My Xbox One is fine and dandy, and I know lots of people who own or want to/are soon to own one, Quantum Break looks to be an amazing game, millions of preorders (I can't wait to get it, and I get a free version for the PC which hopefully my PC will run even though it appears marginally under min spec) , I really can't wait until all new games are crossover with the PC, this will give me more reason to buy games, because I can run them where ever I am on whichever device I want, the Windows 10 store will run all compatible Windows 10 apps soon, not everyone wants or can afford a top spec gaming PC, or wants the hassle of building one, working out compatibility issues, learning to WASD + Mouse or trying to configure controllers or buying peripherals to make console controllers work with it etc etc etc, and some people are very happy that both cross over. PS4 is just a standalone console which has more power but extremely inferior firmware, some great exclusive games, but also lacks some Microsoft exclusives. I have no issues with PS, my last-gen console that I still enjoy is a PS3 and it still has life in it, but it's as stupid to say "your ekzboks sux and iz ded" as it is to say that someone else's phone sucks because it isn't Android or iOS oir whatever, or someone's car sucks because it's not a Lambo. These baiting/trolling threads are dumb, if you own one console, enjoy that console, don't verbally poo all over the console that other people spent their hard-earned on and really enjoy using. Imagine I said "your wife sux cos she's anyone other than my wife!", it's just stupid.
Lots of people love the Xbox, lots of people will continue to buy the Xbox, lots of people will continue to buy gaming PCs and upgrade existing PCs, lots of people will continue to buy PS4s and that's that. None of the consoles of this generation are the Dreamcast, or the Saturn, or the GX400, all of which were decent for their time but failed due to circumstance, none of them are bad, the WiiU is probably the closest to failure but is still a success, makes a profit, has fans, and looks fun although I couldn't see myself owning one, and it would bring me no pleasure to sit here making derogatory comments about any of them. If I could afford every console, damn, I'd love to play the hell out of them all!
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