I'm currently studying Industrial Engineering and i'm about to finish; on january i have to present my final investigation and that's it. I'll finish all the subjects by december 12th and will be free!!!
Bright side: I'll be an Industrial Engineer in no time! (i'll get my diploma on May/2012)
Dark side or bad side: I literally stopped my gaming, i haven't played for over a week in order to properly study and finish everything on time!! it's really really hard but thankfully it's paying off!
Nevertheless i'll stop playing until i finish everything! too bad i bought a month ago Uncharted 3 and battlefield 3 (ilegally cuz you know in Venezuela video games are illegal, you can check about it here:http://kotaku.com/5488360/violent-video-games-now-getting-you-3+5-years-in-a-venezuelan-prison) =[
but i have a lot to live! and i will play lots of game when the proper time comes!
Just wanted to let that out! it was killing me! phew =P