Hi, i am having alot of difficulty deciding which mouse/keyboard bundle i should buy. obvioiusly it is going to have to be wireless and bluetooth activated but that doesnt narrow the choice down enough. has any1 got any ideas which set is the best suited for ps3? any1 who has a set and would recommend it? thanks...
wow alot of you lot seem to have the port problem, either cleaning it might help as mentioned before by someone or just get a new PS2 which is what i did , a bit reckless i guess though with cash! Now my eyes are set on PS3!! watching the prices...
Hi, I have been playing PS2 since it practically came out and ayearago I bought my 3rd PS2 the slimline one! The previous aft ones lasted me good but the slimline already is showing aging effects and even brand new games are slow as hell with loading ingame taking ages, e.g. buildings in GTA load slow as hell sometimes! and it makes wierd noises before crashing on SLIGHTLY sctrached games!! Whats going on??? Thanks for replies
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