Taylor 404
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Taylor 404 Season 1 Notes: They are in 7th grade first Semester 1. Piolt 2. Roommates For Me! 3. Nicknames 4. Dustin's First Date 5. KT Messed Up Birthday 6. How I Met Your Twin Sister 7. Clothes War 8 Em and KT's Project 9. When Taylor meets Candic 10. Anna and Walter Sitting In Sushi Rox 11. Candic In Room 2190 12+13. School Dance Season 2 Notes: Second Semester in 7th grade and 2 crossovers 1. What Happens At The Dance Stays At The Dance 2. Taylor Goes Hawaii (crossover with Jertho and Zoey: Hawaii) 4.Potential Breakup 5. Taylor's Leaping Birthday 6. The Heat Is On 7. Spring Dustin(crossover with Dustin Scores) 8. Prank Week 9. Memory Day 10. iDo A School Switch 11. Not Another Teen Movie 12. Princess Taylor 13. Icing Of A Thief 14. Kazu and Coco Are Dating 15. Dance Like There's No Tomorrow 16. Taylor's New Boyfriend 17. PCA Fishin' 18. I Love You Your Perfect Now Change 19 + 20. 8th Grade Bullies Season 3 Notes; The Are in 8th grade. Opening credits Taylor Rihanna (Anna) Walter Kim Tang (KT) Andrew Emma (Em) Fred Lucy (Lulu) Wendy 1.PCAU Is Not For Taylor 2. PCA Room's 3. Sweet Election 4 + 5. Three Cheers For Dustin 6. No! 7. Megan and Don At PCA? 8. Bad Roommate 9. Wendy's Dad Is Hot 10. To Spooky For You 11. Bus Stop 12. The Great Adam Young 13. Anna Misses The Walter 14. Car Wash 15. Sister Rival 16. Two Boys Make A Fight 17. Cafe PCA 18. Hit My Daddy One More Time 19. Walter Misses The Anna 20. Puppys At PCA 21. Song Sung With Taylor 22. Runaway PCA 23. Commercial Break 24 + 25. Taylor Down Under Season 4 Notes: they are in 8th grade 1. High School Dummies 2. Talent Auditions 3. Taylor I Want You To Want Me To Get Popular 4. No Love 5 New Year Is For You 6. + 7. S.O.S 8. Untold Fairy Tales 9. So You Think PCA Can Dance 10. Sew You Think I Like You 11. My Ex- Boyfreind's Best Friend is My Friend 12. When Good Girls Go Bad 13. Roses are Red Violets are Blue, Taylor I Really Love You 14. I Hate You 15. I Love You 16. Save The Dorm 17. Alpaca Song 18. Meanie Beanie 19. What Is Yours Is Mine, But What Is Mine Is Not Yours 20. Double Dutch 21. Taylor's New Friend 22. There Is No I In Team, But There is We in Wendy 23. Yearbook 24 + 25. Highs School Is Next Year Season 5 (whole season will air 11/17/09 - 11/24/09 Note: They start 9th grade in the first Semester. here are the crossovers"ANTM" "MASM", Darlene, Zoey The Spy, H20,UnFab,Ned's, Ugly Betty, Top Chef, and RA 2 crossovers with Ernest Taylor KT Em Anna Danny Walter Fred Sara 1. Mara is Back And There Is Going To Be Something Missin 2. Make Me PCA's Next Top Model 4. Welcome Home Guys! 5. You Got What Danny Wants, But What KT Has 6. Fair Grounds 7. Taylor Got Her Good N' Evil 8. Art Is Life And Life Is Art 9. The Taylor, The Witch and The Closet 10. Taylor Hears Who? (Erin Sanders) 11. A Date Of To Many 12. Four Hundred and Four Ways 13, 14, 15 & 16. Sweet Home Alabama 17. Sara Is Queen Of The Dead 18.Taylor Big Mission 19 & 20. PCATV 21. Sara and Taylor Reunite? 22. Hung Up 23. What Hurts The Most 24. My New Boyfriend Is Hotter Than Yours 25. All Aboard Taylor (crossover with RA) 26. That Is Really UnTaylor Like 27. h2o: Just Add Taylor 28. PCA: Top Chef 29. PCA Idol Fans 30. Betty 404 31. Sean and Taylor Equal Love 32 Ned's Guide Is With Taylor 33. Stealing Is The Right Thing To Do 34. & 35: We Made It Season 6 Note: They are in the 2nd semester of 9th grade. This whole seson will air in 2/2/10 - 2/9/10 1. I'm Back 2. Bad Rommies 3. Taylorated 4. The Hostiple 5. Taylor's Are Cool 6. Two New Kids Must Stop: (Halo and Aang are in this episode) 7. Taylor On Ice 8. Party Crasher 9. Oliva At PCA 10. Too Furious For You (crossover with Wizardhood) 11. Favor Chain 12. Talley Get Loose 13. Little Miss Pool Party 14 + 15. Do You Actually Love Me Season 7 Note: Still in 2nd semester in 9th grade. whole season will air 2/16/10-3/2/10 1. A Kiss With You Is Everything 2. A New Dean 3. Thank You For Smoking 4 + 5. Taylor 404: The Musical 6. Tricky 7. Superhero 8. Disc Golf Revolution 9. Dean Rivers Is Back 10. The Project 11. "D" Stands For Dean Rivers and "C" Stands For Coco On My Grades 12. Adam Is Back 13. Taylor's Grandpa 14. Full Moon Trip 15. Lips Sing With Adam In The Rain 16. Cherry Underwear 17. Start All Over 18. Chase Is Mine 19 + 20. Goodbye Taylor Season 8 Note: They are in 10th grade 1. Where's Sara? 2. Animals Club 3. On Top Of PCA 4. Up And Away 5. Dustin Blackmailed 6. Buddies 7. H20: Taylor's Back (crossover with H20:Just Add Water) 8. Drivin Me Wild 9. Traveling WIth A Pair of Old Blue 19. Em.. Stay! Season 9 Note: They are in 2nd semseter of 10th grade 1. Em And Adam Siting In A Tree 2. French 404 3. Back To The 80's 4+ 5. Sean Is Back With A New Love!! 6. I'm Sorry 7.Opps I Did It Again 8. Rock The Bands 9. International Day 10. Sara's Pet 11. Em's Leg 12. Cherry Blossom Girls 13. I Love You!! 14. + 15. School Out! Season 10 Note: They Are in 11th grade 1st quater 1. Trading Places 2. Coffee Donuts 3. Family Tree 4. The Future Is Bleak 5. God Bless PCA 6. Dear Dean Rivers, I Lied 7. 7. Hate That You Hate Me Of What You I Know 8. Sarustin Oh No 9. If You Loved Me You Do Anything For Me 10. Taylor Crossing 11. Ew!! 12. + 13. Into The Wild 14. Grounded in The Dorm 15. Of All People 16. The New Play 17. Gosspin With Taylor (Gossip Girl) 18. When Going Past The Line: 19. & 20 Dude We Are Getting Our Friends Back Together(Guest star Alex (me) Aang, Lisa, Halo, jj, Craza, and Lizze.) Season 11 Note; They are in 11th 2 quater 1. Oh My God 2. Anna's Web 3. When The Prom Is Here So Am I (Brooke Hogan) 4. Field Trip To The Mall 5. UnEnchanted (crossover with PCA: Hidden) 6. E=MC2 7. How Do You Like My Dirty Little Breathe 8. I Am Taylor Hear My Sing 9. Deal or No Deal 10. Swim At PCA 11. Recap Season 12. The episode graduation will not be an episode in this season but in the next it will they are in 11th grader 3 & 4 quater Cast Taylor Sean Ann Walter Wendy Olivia Micheal (new exchanged student) Dustin (will leave in Episode 10) KT Lulu Fred Chole (Micheal's sister) 1. Don't Rain on Anna Parade: Ann is feeling lucky but when Sara ruins her day, Walter tells Dustin that Sara needs to stop 2. The Tilting Edge: Sean and Taylor have not been connecting well lately so Anna steps up a dating booth but Em tells them to chill 3. TBA 4. Exam Week: TBA 5. TBA 7. PCA Glee: TBA (will feature cast of Glee competing against PCA) 8. TBA 9. TBA 10. Off to College Dustin: TBA 11. TBA 12. TBA Season 13 They are in 12 grade 1.TBA 2.TBA 3.TBA 4.TBA 5. Jobs 6. TBA 7. TBA 8. TBA 9. TBA 10. TBA 11. TBA 12. TBA 13. TBA 14. TBA 15. TBA 16. TBA 17. TBA 18. TBA 19. TBA 20. TBA 21+22. Our Final Goodbyes: TBA Special Episodes (these will air next year in March, this may have 10 episodes. Also each will most likey air on a month) 1. Sean's Story:(March 09) 2. If We Were A Movie (April 09) 3. If We All Met Way Back Then (April 09) 4. KT's Life (May 09) 5. Taylor Quiting: Taylor thinks about quitting her job and wants to work at PCA but will that be too much for her? (Dec 09/Jan 2010) 6. Danny The Working Man (Jan 2010) 7. Anna and Walter Always Forever (Feb 2010) 8. A Wednesday Afternoon (May 2010) 9. Em Are You With Fred? (April 2010) 10. The Buzz: Taylor finally gets a job at The Buzz and when she finds out she is interviewing her friends at PCA she is excited (May)