Xbox One never had a actual streak. Xbox One sold One.........for every idiot who bought it. Get a actual console, the PS4. #True #XboxSucks #DealWithIt
NO, we must not let the Xbox Stupid Dirty Apes win this race. We Playstation Smart Clean Humans must buy PS4's and keep us in first place. If we lose, then this world will be no more. This world will no longer be Planet of Humans but will be Planet of the Stupid Dirty Apes. Don't let these apes take over the world and enslave us. #PS4Better #BeSmart #PlanetoftheHumans
@bearfan15: Do you know where to pre-order it online for 199.99? I only see it for 249.99$ from EB Games. Please reply because I wan't to pre-order. Plus this is my first time playing a Pokemon game since ruby.
Don't you know what's even faster? PS4 sales. On top of that, the PS5 will be coming soon, in the middle of 2018. So, Xbox losers stop getting ahead of yourselves because the Playstation consoles will always be ahead and better. #Dealwithit #Playstation>Xbox
69 million very well educated people will buy the PS4, while 39 million stupid dirty apes will buy the Xbox One. If it was the other way around, evolution will be going backwards. #BeSmart #PS4Better
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