"Sony would have it all if not for Microsoft and obviously thought they did with their arrogant attitude and overpriced system. But Microsoft is here to stay, made smart moves and, aside from their rushed hardware, would get an A+ in my book. There's no way they can beat Sony in sales worldwide, not so soon. Maybe next generation, but for now they established themselves as genuine contenders and will keep Sony on their toes for years to come." @DullBozer Sony's arrogant attitude and overpriced system? Excuse me? You mean they are the company who actually developed something NEW for a NEW console, and yeah that costs money. The PS3 is a whole new console, unlike the 360 which is an original Xbox with a new graphics card and hard drive. "360" means you've turned around and are in the same place as before. That's exactly what the 360 is. Same games, same DVD format, same crummy-yet-somehow profitable brand. Microsoft has lured nearly every developer into making every game multi-platform, thus making them de facto 360 exclusives. No Blu-Ray sized games have come out other than the few PS3 exclusives, which is absurd considering games like Madden have 5 other unique versions. I don't buy Microsoft's crap, so I usually don't care. I exclusively use Macs, run iWork rather than MS Office, and only buy Sony and Nintendo products, but now Microsoft's crap has effected me. No one but EA makes NFL or FIFA games, so since they've decided to refuse to learn how to develop for the PS3, it's either 360 game or nothing for PS3 owners. Rockstar decided to make GTAIV for both consoles, identically, so guess what I didn't buy? I'm fine if all things are on equal terms, but they aren't, and laziness on the part of developers and MS has held back some of my favorite games. Kudos to the folks in Japan for not buying crap. And I know "crap" is my personal opinion. Others may like the games on 360, and somehow have never experienced any software or hardware failure on a MS product, that's fine. But start making games like GTAIV, FFXIII, Madden etc. with exclusive versions on PS3 and Blu-Ray, the real "next-gen" system, and see how long 360 lasts. NES was doing fine but eventually they had to upgrade or Sega was going to crush them. As it turns out SNES had better games and quality and it won out over the Genesis, but I don't see Microsoft being able to beat Sony or Nintendo in that fashion, unless they use cheap tactics like making a technologically inferior, cheaper, console and releasing it a year earlier than the competition. Ask the original Xbox how it's going. Dead last by a mile last generation, and abandoned as soon as the 360 came out. The PS2 was the runaway winner last round and is still selling. Why would it be any different if MS had a console that was the same price as Sony's? It wouldn't.
Is there supposed to be a difference in any of these pictures? They all look the same to me. What a waste of time. Oh yeah and @ Dr_Yassam, "My point has nothing to do with who sold more, the point is multi-format games DO reflect the relative power of each system." No they don't, at least not this generation. If they did the PS3 GTAIV would have either 3-4x more content(larger city) or better graphics then 360 version because of the 30-40 extra gigs of space on the Blu-Ray disc. That all depends on what Rockstar would want to do, more stuff that looks the same or improve the quality of the textures on what is there. The graphics capabilities are, unless you nitpick like this article does, exactly the same. Fact is MS only upgraded the memory and graphics capabilities for it's new console, turning it into, more or less, a PC. Rather than using it's hard drive and having multiple disc releases with installs(like PCs), devs limit the games to the space available on a DVD-Rom. and as a result PS3 owners have to play 360 games when it comes to mulitplatformers., instead of what REAL next-gen games should be. PS3 has 50 gigabytes of space and no third party dev has used it yet, for a non-exclusive game. You point about multiplatform games reflecting the relative power of each system would only be true if the PS3 GTAIV was vastly different from the 360 version.
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