The Halo party was a total bust, not because it was cancelled or because it wasn't fun. Everyone here was itching for a fight. Tyler started crap and I had to lay the smacketh down. Then Tyler's ego was hurt so he beat the stuff out a defenseless Brian Williams. Brian wasn't about to give in and took 5 beatings from Tyler, whom started show boating. This made me angry and I beat him into retardation in 2 minutes. Of course we weren't really belting each other in the mouth; we were playing Fight Night Round 3.
It started out on time and a lot of people were late so there were not enough to play a good game of Halo. Besides Mel made two awesome pots of chili and who can pass that up. But then it started to look bleak. Only Tyler and Brian were here and Jon and Marge were on there way and their car crapped the bed and weren't able to make (I'm just glad they were able to get back home safely), Lance wasn't answering his phone, J. Carr came but wanted to go to the Blues Traveler concert and Danny hadn't left yet (I called that jerk and he said he was coming and then he took a nap, that butthole, he showed up later so its all good.).
Brian and Tyler were tired of the taste being slapped out of their collective mouths by me and wanted to play Halo, there was the small problem with not having enough people. Then out of nowhere Melby, AKA Kung Fu Kitty, swoops in and grabs a controller. Since she doesn't play Halo Brian and Tyler thought they had it easy against me and Mel, boy were they wrong. After the first 5 minutes of play Mel realizes that she can't go up a ramp she has been trying since the game began. I had been mopping up Brian and Tyler. Mel and I hook up and start going to work on them. Brian Williams sneaks up on me and is about to kill me and Mel wipes him to the wall with graceful machine gun work, not once but twice.
Danny shows up at this point and Tyler has to go, too bad since I wanted to see Danny fight him. Mel doesn't want to play Halo now because she was only playing since Tyler was "being a baby." We then try a couple of quick Xbox Live matches and since all we've ever done was kill each other we didn't know how to work together and it was like lambs to the slaughter.
Danny then says," Put in Fight Night." That was the end of Halo. Lance showed up (he forgot but he showed up drunk so that was cool, I called him "Pedro" Marge ). And we commenced to beating each other until like 10:30 or so. Brian Williams got his first and only victory against Danny, (after about 20 loses, but still no less brilliant) whom got embarrassed and then he beat Brian Mercilessly the next game.
All and all a great round of gaming and hopefully next time all of our friends can be here at the same time. Until then keep it above the belt!
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