Work. Dire, yet necessary.
The bane of the majority of us. Work shackles us with its grasp, promising an income that we can use to satisfy our needs and desires.
At a price.
I have done extensive research, and have founf that approximately 75% of the people I know (I would call them friends but, well, they're not) have NO SOUL.
They are now zombies, hitting their alarm clocks in unison every morning and shuffling toward their selected dungeons for 8 hours. There they sit, do, and then leave. Five days a week. We have seven days in our week.
Five of those spent doing something we do not want to? As ridiculous as it sounds, it happens. It's happening right now.
To me.
Maybe to you?
It is the hold that our capitalist lifestyle has on us. We are exploited at every turn, spat on by the corporate heirarchy and overtaxed by our pathetic governments. Our well earned money sometimes HALVED so that another politician can take 1st class when he goes on his next two week break.
Until we rid ourselves of these materialistic comforts and begin to appreciate the finer parts of actually just LIVING, we will never be free.
We need to stand up to our governments. As Subject 'V' once said, "people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people". We take all this crap, and yet we take it lying down. All we have to do is stand up for ourselves and take control of our only destines! THEN WE CAN TRUELY BE FREE.
But then, sometimes I think...
**** it. I like eating McDonalds, smoking Luckies and watching Lost.