Well it’s been a week and 3 days since schools started and I've finally gotten used to the teachers and my schedule.... which suck. I don't really like my teachers :( . I am glad to see my friends though, they did the same things as me over the summer... sit around and play video games :D .
I also rented Dead Rising, I love it! I'm lvl28 and I barely do the case files... to busy killing/helping survivors :lol: . I have a lot of strange/funny moments playing it.... I also noticed there’s an achievement for helping 50 survivors (wtf?). I'm struggling just to save 20 :( considering the AI can be downright hilarious and idiotic :lol: .
I also beat Metal Gear Solid Ac!d and I don't see why people were crying over the difficulty. The only thing I didn't like about it was not being able to play in a tutorial... on second thought... maybe thats why people thought it was so difficult :? .
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