My friend told me he had found an area from Far Cry 4 in this game, but he wouldn't tell me what it was. Does anyone know which area or location he is referring to?
donut5's forum posts
I know this is a bit much to ask, but I would like a Yveltale for a level 100 Xerneas caught with a Masterball. Preferably untouched.
I've been playing Fallout 1 and 2. They're so amazing! I swear I consider them hidden gems.
Everytime I try to find a match there's never anyone online, and it usually takes a while to find someone. Does anyone even use it?
Name your favorite part of the ending, or which part blew your mind the most.
I think the most jaw dropping moment for me was when you find out you're in Rapture. I couldn't be anymore awed. I had read the wiki article about this game, and it said that it would have nothing to do with the last two games, which made it even more of a surprise. It was executed extremely well.
Question: Did anyone else notice that the moment Songbird starts to sink you see the dead Big Daddy, and the position that Elizabeth/Anna was in blocked our view of the little sister? I don't know if this was just a coincidence, but notice how when she moves, it reveals the little sister mourning over the death of her protector. It was as if she was looking into a mirror, both physically and metaphorically. It literally mirrored what had just happened, and possibly Elizabeth's internal feelings. I mean seriously! Songbird sinking, reveals dead Big Daddy. Elizabeth/Anna moving reveals crying little sister! How cool is that?!
I'm expecting a lot of 'Good for you's and 'nobody cares'...s but I had to post this somewhere because I need to get this off of my chest. I just caught every Pokemon thus far... Legitimately of course. I feel lucky to have actually gotten the Artceus Events and finding a trusted source willing to trade a Deoxys. It took a long time, but finally did it. It's worth it too because of what you get.
Is there anyway for me to give people an item they can use? I ran into this guy who summoned me, and he was down to a speck of health, so I wanted to give him Humanity to use, but I didn't know how. I'm sorry, I'm fairly new to this. I've beaten the game once, but I did it completely offline, and now I'm doing an online run through.
Everytime I'm summoned to another world, I keep disconnecting. Why? It happens more often, and there was only ever two instances in which it didn't happen. I'm in front of the Capra Demon. So if anyone needs help, I'll be there. I just hope I don't disconnect... AGAIN!
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