That Capcom get better at developing PS3 games.
dood23's forum posts
I think it's a waste of time personally, at this rate they are doing it anyway. I'd much rather we get some better PSN exclusives.
There's not a lot we can say to help really. You just have to try this again and again and you'll get closer everytime until you eventually beat it. Pace the magic so that you're not out too soon. Use the Lion Boxing gloves, those stagger the bad guys a lot so you can give yourself a little breathing room. You can also grab the twirly goats and that gives you a moment to catch up if things get too hectic while doing damage at the same time.
Uncharted 2 spoiler ahead
[spoiler] Harry Flynn. Him and Drake have an awesome dynamic together. [/spoiler]
It would help to know what part you're having trouble with. All you need is either a wireless enabled router or an ethernet cable to run to your modem/router. Plug it in if you have one, or use the PS3's automatic setup if you plan on going wireless.
It's already been said. Electronics function better in the cold. Some people have gone as far as putting individual computer components into their freezer to get a little performance bump.
Your friend has no clue what he's talking about is my guess.
Gabe Newell has stated that he dislikes PS3 architecture and that is that. Nothing about being "fanboys" and if Valve can be considered a fanboy company then they are PC fanboys first and foremost.
Infamous is completely overrated and suffers from "billions of enemies forever and ever" syndrome. It's also very repetitive and while the powers look cool you'll realize that they really are just your traditional guns in disguise so it's really a glorified boring free roam shooter.
MW2 is also very overrated but more easy to stomach than Infamous. The single player campaign throws every summer action movie cliche at you every 10 minutes, it's a pretty exciting setpiece spamfest but then again its only 3-4 hours when I played it. Don't buy if you don't plan on playing multiplayer. The core of multiplayer is ok but the map design is terribly amateur and leads to a lot of WTF moments. Try before you buy.
GTA 4 is one of the greatest single player experiences I've ever had. So many interesting characters, such smart humor, such great gameplay, great story, so much fun. Multiplayer is decent, I only play free roam with my friends so I can't speak about the other modes.
I'd definitely get GTA4 if I were you. It can be found very cheap now and it's an experience that you should not deny yourself. MW2 is also a solid multiplayer offering but whether or not you think you have the patience for it is up to you. Infamous can wait.
I tried this using a PS2 guitar with a PS3 Rock Band 2 today, the PS2 guitar + converter connected as a mic instead of guitar. I don't think it works.
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