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I procrastinate  alot.About a month or two ago,my language teacher said that we had to do two book reports-a fiction and a non fiction-and hand them in on december 11,2006.Well,now that day is tomorrow,and I haven't even started reading my non-fiction 237 page book yet!I dont think I'll get it done! I decided to do my fiction book report on a book I had recently read,so I took that book with me to language,so I could ask for a book report form and get started on it,but in math(which I had after language) I lost that book!I found it on thursday,december7,2006 and decided to just go ahead and check that book out of the library again,so I wouldn't have to read another book.I also checked out a non fiction book,but it tells about india's culture,so I can't really think of what to put on the book report form.It doesn't have any main characters,or chains of events in it.I think my language teacher said something about what to put on the non fiction book report if it doesn't have main characters and some of the other stuff that is on the form,but I don't remember what it was.I really should pay more attention!