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Thats right folks. The very first blog competiton ever on Gamespot!*
Are you into MMOs?
Do you like doing stuff?
Are rabbits cool?

Answer yes for any/all of the above and this comp is for you! (Thats right, YOU!)

Win yourself one game key to a upcoming MMO. Only one key to give away (and no it is not mine, a completly new and unused key).

Just reply here with a sentence or two, (no essays!) on what MMO you are most looking forward to, and why.
It must be a new game, and not a expansion (yeah sorry WoWers, no Lich King essays here).
Reply that I deem "the best" wins. Simple.

This is a game of skill, prizes have no monetary value. Entrants must be funny, willing to play a beta game and agree to an NDA.

[UPDATE]Judging will be held by me, and the competition closes TBA.

Anyone not tracked by me and tracking me will not be considered for this competiton. Friends** only!

*Statement may be incorrect.
**Friends as determined by Gamespots friend system.