So a few of you might have seen my forum post stating that I had quit playing in the LOTRO Beta. Well it is true, you did read correctly, and yes I did write a blog highly praising the game.
So why did I stop you ask? Well due to a number of reasons, leaving FFXI last year due to completing everything in the game I had set to accomplish, I came out of that MMO with a very high standard of MMOs, and although I knew I would only truly be happy playing a game similar to it I knew that I didn't want to sink the time and effort into a new MMO. I was looking for a MMO that would give me a good community like FFXI but more gameplay that would allow for casual play. LOTRO did provide that for me, don't get me wrong I still think it is a fantastic game and I recommend anyone who is remotely interested in RPGs or MMOs to check the game out.
Back to the reason why I stopped playing LOTRO. I stopped playing because I wasn't happy like I was in FFXI. I know I was asking for casual content but I'm still a heavy gamer, and I really did fly through the content provided, end game didn't pose any lasting appeal to my tastes, and I couldn't help finding myself thinking, "I need more". I finally realized that any MMO I play would need to be a time sinker, as other games provide me with the "casual" aspect.
So now I have set my sights towards wanting to test Gods and Heroes and Age of Conan, both upcoming MMOs. They both seem to provide a more dedicated experience and I have really high expectations of both games, G&H moreso.