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new years, new beginnings

well seems like the holidays are here and ppl are celebrating christmas and whatnot. best wishes to all you folks, and a happy new year as well. My days are going to be occupied by FFXII for now, awesome RPG and i have to admit im a bit of a FF fanboy :P i've only clocked bout 40hrs in that game tho so i have a while to go. biggest disappointment for me this year would have to have been the PS3 launch, man was that a disaster....absolutely no games that are interesting in the least, and on top of that Wii is quite amazing and 360's just kickin it over there with GeoW. i hope i can get the Wii for my B'day(comin up on the 30th :D), the darn thing seems like a lot of fun.
    well thats it for me, cya all. have a fun and safe new years (and for the love of god DON'T DO DRUGS!!! :P)

the dread of may and the following months

so, May isnt even here yet and the drought of games has started to affect...the few months of the year where next to no new games come out...a sad sad time to say the least. but at least there will be E3, the one good thing...i think Oblivion will be able to tide me over tho, that game is pretty time consuming! and if any1 knows of any games woth checking out that releases in the next few months, please do tell!

im so bo-red!

lol, so late at night and im sittin here gettin so damn bored lol. dont even feel like gamn, i think im gonna start watchin some old Naruto eps. then some Chrono crusade then go to sleep like at 4 haha

image hosting with 1MB or more file size

hey, does anyone know of any site where i can upload files that are larger than 1MB??? cuz i have this nice sig but its larger than 1MB and i cant fund any site!!! plz help
P.S. i know about Imageshack and photobucket.

havent made an entry for a long time....

well its been a while, ive actually been really busy with Rome total war, and just playin my PS2 games, remembering the old days. and really just takin time off from skool. its started to get real damn freezing now (-30 or so) and it just snowed today along with rain so it was really bad out :( any way i can still stay at home and just watch tv and play some games :P , i hope everyone is havin a great holiday!!!

it finally over!!!!!!!

WINTER BREAK IS HERE!!!!!!!! damn, i got out early, now im gonna be playin game 24/7. and i dont have any HWrk or anythin!!!!! and my b'day is comin too!!! YAY!!!!

freezin' cold

damn its cold to day, im in Canada and its like -20 out. but on the bright side, only a few more days to go until winter holidaze!!! man, and my birthday's comin upp, but i have like an essay due on Fri. and i havent even started :P

scratched CD's

man, my friggin GTA SA and Jak3 CD's got scratched and both of them keep on freezing, damn it, im so pissed, on the other hand 1 week of school to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an the PSP just came out in Japan...lets see how that goes.......
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