definite improvement over the last 2 games, nobody is going to deny that. The environments look great, but everything else is just OK, nothing really that great, we've already seen and played games that look better than this...well unless its better in motion or something but I can't say about that. IMO even GeOW looked better than this, more of that artistic style I guess.
yea, performance before review is quite weird lol, but sill love these things. can't say the same about the game itslef though, i have a hard time supporting EA anymore/ever.
to really use vista you need 2gb of ram a dual core and a 512 mb card,the performace hit in 512mb ram is ridiculous, and i really see no great diff b/w dx9 and 10 right now...gonna wait for dx10 to get some real games and vista to actually be somewhat secure before moving over...
doomed51's comments