I say Ninjas! :D
dorfoz's forum posts
just my opinion.. but i hated the idea of cut scene back then when ps1 came out with final fantasy VII and other games pople called them awesome gfx.. when the cut scenes and the real gameplay are completely different. PLayers would base the idea of a game engine's and the system's graphical prowess through a cut scene instead of the game play.
That completely irritated me until after the gamecube's release year and beyond have I seen gameplay and cut scene graphics getting compiled together on games.
I'm still stunned that the biggest decision in life is to buy a console.. i'd figure it would be something else.
Anyway, let me suggest to get a console with games that you will play. It sucks to be in a situation where all you do is stare at the console you have and wondering why didn't I get the other one instead.. But if u have lots of $$ get both. You'll have the luxury of both systems :)
sad but true. To some the games that are coming out are awesome. Some of which that are highly acclaimed by Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and PC are well-- first person shooters. None of the other genre of games are really getting much of a hype. There are some exceptions like Asassin's Creed among others that are 1 in 5FPS kick butt games that are coming out this year.
I'm not being synical about first person shooters, I for one enjoy playing them. However, is there any other genre of games that are coming out that have extensive work and media hype that is actually getting attention? -- Maybe is it just me .. We live in a world where guns and explosions are perhaps the best visuals that could entertain us.
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