I'm just wondering if anyone gives a damn about my opinion.
Whatever. For the sake of my ego, I'm posting something anyway.
Being a PS3 owner and it being my only 7th Gen console, I picked up Bayonetta for it. Apparently, everyone hates this version. My friend has the 360 edition and says there are no flaws, something confirmed by just about every reviewer out there. But fans of Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya in general fear not! While the 360 version is better, the PS3 one is still very playable and very fun.
I've been playing for 4-5 hours now, and the only complaint I have is the menu taking a bit to load. It's not earth shatteringly terrible to the point you want to scream, just a small annoyance, one that is easily forgotten in the following 15 seconds of angel murdering frenzy. I can understand people being upset that one works better than the other, but relax. I'm sure they will patch any errors in the future, and if anything it's not so bad. Really. If you only own a PS3 and you liked/loved Devil May Cry, then BUY BAYONETTA! It is amazingly awesome in every way, shape and form! To be frank, I think she is cooler than Dante can or ever will be. And that's only 4-5 hours in! Granted, if you own both consoles, then get the 360 version. Why put up with minor annoyances if you don't have to right?
Also, Dante's Inferno. The demo shows that Visceral Studios really loves God of War. It's blatantly obvious to anyone who's ever seen GoW played. But that's not a bad thing at all. I've read the Divine Comedy, and played the God of War series in its entirety. So far, they have captured both beautifully. Granted, they can't just make the Divine Comedy into a game, it would beexcruciatinglyboring. Believe me. No one wants to play a man walking through Hell, then Purgatory, then Heaven just to talk to God and learn a life lesson. That's lame. The story is that of Dante (go figure), a Crusader who has fought and killed for his Pope and God. Unfortunately, s*** goes down, you have to fight some Arab warriors, gets stabbed, and Death comes to greet you. He informs you that you have sinned a wee too much, and you get to go to hell. Well, that's not for Dante, so he kicks Death's floating robed ass and steals his scythe (because if you are going to go to the trouble to kill Death, you might as well), and then you go home. You come home to find your friends and wife dead. This sucks, and he is very saddened...By her death at least. Her soul floats up and smiles before being pulled away to the temple off in the distance. You run after, killing the skeletons that rose up for no other reason than to annoy you. You get there, and find her pulled to Hell for your sin....Supposedly infidelity in the Middle East. Either way, you decide to man up and stop this injustice, so you hurry off to slaughter more scythe fodder and meet Vergil, the man(?) who will take you through the nine circles of Hell. Dante agrees to, to save his wife from her fate.
For those of you who are fans of literature, you can see this isn't exactly a direct script of the story. But like I said before, it would be boring as a game. It would be as bad as Lord of The Rings, just walking. Bit of action, walking...repeat. So, Visceral Studios made a story that would make some sense in context, and it works. Not the most original, but it works. The gameplay is just as good as God of War, just as fun, and the context button mashing works just as well....Overall, not a bad copy. They have proven themselves to me, and I daresay it would be worth buying. If you are a 360 owner, or own both, I'd say get it for 360 because God of War III comes out in late March early April.
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