Recently (ok, like a month ago), I reviewed Final Fantasy VII. While many probably didn't notice, I'm sure someone did. To those who read it, my deepest apologies.
I wrote the review under a personal bias and lack of recent play, a bad combination to review a game with. I have changed its score to its earned 10.
My bias was, and is, that while VII is a great game, it doesn't alone deserve the attention it's received. Final Fantasy as a whole has captured our hearts and minds, so why single out one game?
I believe it may be simply for nostalgia's sake. We remember games like Super Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda fondly (or badly, it depends) because we grew up with them. They were a right of passage almost, from childhood into semi-adulthood. Everyone wants to relive their past experiences that brought them so much joy, but we can't. It's a part of being human, and growing up. Not necessarily from childhood, but as adults. We all enjoy things, but they do have to end sometime. That's why we remember them, and enjoy remembering them.
I think gamers and developers as a whole needs to...well, move on. Many great games have come, and many more are coming on the horizon. It's not a bad thing to go back and enjoy a game that made you happy, but we shouldn't focus on just that game. There are plenty of other games that we can enjoy, and maybe one day pine for like we do VII.
Seeing as Crisis Core : Final Fantasy VII is on it's way, and a remake for PS3 is too (Trust me, they won't let it get away, Square Enix isn't dumb enough to let that kind of cash cow slip away. It'll come, be patient), VII is still kicking pretty hard. But while I will enjoy CC and the inevitable remake, I, as a gamer and human being, must lay VII down in the water to rest forever, much like Aerith. I will always enjoy playing VII, but it's time to say goodbye. It's time to let VII die, not with a whimper, but a powerful battlecry that says "I've been around 11 years, and enjoyed by millions! I am VII, and I was here!!"
To a game that has captured my imagination and heart, I bid you a sweet goodbye.