Despite the use of 'Rarrgh!' usually meaning something bad has happened, such as surprise sugar in your gas tank, I use this as the expression of THE BEST PORTABLE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED.
For those unaware, Metal Gear Solid : Peace Walker is the sequel to Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater, as well as the previous sequel to MGS3 and other portable MGS title, the aptly named Metal Gear Solid : Portable Ops. Peace Walker was developed in whole by Hideo Kojima, despite his 2008 talk of retiring from the MGS scene, and leaving it to his staff to take the helm. Since then, he's announced this title and another, Metal Gear Solid : Rising. It appears that 20 some years of working on the same thing hasn't gotten old yet, and thank god for that.
For not only is PW directed, written, and produced by Mr. Kojima, but also developed by his Metal Gear Solid 4 team. That's right, THE WHOLE TEAM FROM MGS4 MADE PW. And it shows.
PW does the amazing by not only giving us the best looking graphics the PSP has seen in quite some time, but also an amazingly well written story involving Cold War-era drama and politics as well as action. But what good is an action game if the controls suck, right? Well, they don't. I had played the demo, and was surprised at the control scheme. Moving the camera with the Face buttons (Circle, Triangle, Square, and X if you aren't aware)? It didn't seem right, but I stuck through it. After 4 hours of play today, I have to say I wouldn't want it any other way.
This is just a preliminary review, but needless to say, Peace Walker KICKS ASS. Go and buy it if you haven't already!