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The Top Ten

I have never truly made a definitive list of my top ten favorite games, usually because when I feel like I could get around to it, I either put too many of one genre, making it a top ten rpg list or something. So now, I am making one. This covers anything and everything I have ever played in my time on this fair little world.

Let's begin.

10. Yes, I'm going in decending order, although I'm not sure anyone reads these blogs, so whatever. Anyway.

10. Final Fantasy VII

I played the ever loving **** out of this game, twice. Not to mention the mass collection of excellent music I've acquired because of it. It's an amazing game, and it certainly has earned it's place here on the list.

9. Star Trek Armada II

Threw you for a loop with that one, huh? If you like star trek, and RTS's, you can't go wrong with armada II. I spent endless hours destroying borg and conquering the known galaxy (or at least the parts you can play) instead of doing homework or sleeping a healthy amount.

8. Super Metroid

Sheer Godliness is what makes this a great game.

7. Star Wars : Knights of The Old Republic

It's funny how the best Star Wars games are not made by Lucasarts. Bioware is king of making an incredible RPG while filling it with enough things to geek on to make you wish the world would go away for about 50 hours.

6. Metal Gear Solid

Classic, cool, Solid Snake.

5. Resident Evil 3

Some prefer 4's new camera/control system, but I still think that 3 psychologically scarred me the most.

4. Okami

Art in its best form.

3. Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

It was a tough call between OoT, Majora's mask, Twilight Princess and Link to the Past. But, for now, I'll go with Ocarina. All amazing though.

2. Portal

While The Orange Box has a lot to offer, it's that gem that makes you speechless. Portal is too much fun to be legal.

and number one....

The number one game of all my days as a gamer....

I'll get back to you on that...