@vbplaya @dgg2828 Okay Madden 2000 did suck and that was the last year that they Madden on the cover. That was also when 2K came out on the Dreamcast and was blowing everything away cause it was the only next gen football game out. By the time 2002 rolled around Madden and 2k were even in my opinion. The 2K came out with that ESPN NFL Football or NFL 2K4 for Xbox live and that was when 2K started to pull back ahead of Madden in my book. I'm a football gaming fan so I would by both games. Madden on PS2 and 2K on Xbox but I spent a lot more time playing 2K. It's was just an all around better game. I loved the presentation they had on ESPN 2K it felt like watching Thursday night football (before Monday night football was on ESPN) on ESPN. 2K was an awesome game and it was about to take over the newer gen but Madden got that NFL Contract before the next gen release. Does that mean that 2K was going to automatically dominate this gen, no. They have failed with the baseball and with hockey. No one talks about their MLB contract and how much worse MLB 2K is compared to MLB the Show. EA's hockey game got so good that 2K just gave up making hockey game. Kinda like how NBA Live has stopped coming out since NBA 2K took over.
After owning and playing Madden 13 since the release I really have to disagree with the review score. This Madden is the best Madden I've ever played. I know, Madden had a lot of glory days on the last generation but this Madden feels closer to pro football then any other Madden I've played and that's why I say it 's the best so far. The new infinity engine is amazing and the size attributes make the game feel real. Gone are the day where speed means everything. D-Ends and D-tackles are no longer able to be blocked by R-Backs. Sure they can slow them down or cut block but none of this head up RB on DE anymore. Because of the D-Linemans size he just keeps on trucking through the RB just like he would in real life. There's a lot to love about this Madden and if you're a gaming football fan and you decide not to pick this game up, shame on you cause it's worth it this year. I agree more with the IGN review and I think the game is closer to a 9.0 then a 7.5.
I'm not saying that Madden is without fault but the review score was just a tad too harsh. To suggest that just because things that worked in Madden 10 years ago shouldn't work now by saying that things that worked in the NFL 10 years ago don't work now is ridiculous. To my knowledge teams are still throwing fade routes in the red zone, most teams still run the same versions of the west coast offense, team still have zone run blocking and even some teams still run offense based off "Air" Corvell mid and deep passing attack. I also like how he says every team can play the same on Madden. The NFL is a copy cat league and pretty much 80% of the teams play the same. In the 70's and 80's most teams ran the 4-3 but now the 3-4 is hot so a lot of team are shifting to the 3-4. Most teams now run empty back field shotgun formation or pass the ball out of shotgun 50% of the time. The only thing that separates the good teams from the bad ones are the player and coaching staff talent. Every team in the NFL has a weak side zone blitz but not every team has Troy Polamalu. Madden has made significant changes this year but I guess that some people will look at the new presentation, infinity engine, connected career mode, passing angles and improved defensive coverage and say that it's not enough and others will be happy and to see Madden heading in a new direction.
dorian_813's comments