doubalfa / Member

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A Gaming Blog, 1st anniversary of the blog.

its been year since my first entry I have to be hones I didnt thought I'd make it this far, it has been great to share my experiences and my boring entries, but I got to tel you it has been pretty entertaining to write this and every past entry, I love games as much as I love basquetball or drawing. I've had some hard times during this year, and well gamig and other activities have kept my mind busy, but wel with no more delays I proudly present the first anniversary cake!

I Confess the cake is not a Lie!

First eh more important stuff during this year I've met and played with some awesome folks from gamespot, Akiraxander has keeping me writing this by reading all entries and well he helped me out with Fable II and some advice on games, Palantas, leader of a great union and well when he has the time he always plays with me, darrenfps, we had a great time playing halo, rainbow six, and Perfect Dark, Scartissue, Shalafein, raahsnavj, for reading this blog and of course all the people I've met in some unions and boards!.

so we all rock right?

Now less important stuff, this year I've played some new games some really old games and also some forgivable ones, I've had great experienes both online and offline, by the way the game I was playing when this blog started was The Orange Box which ranks high in the sand-o-gameter, and well I have to say the most remarkable games I've played this year are...Lost Odyssey, The Force Unleashed, Fable II, Far Cry 2, NBA 2k9, FIFA 09, Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, Battlefield Bad Company, Forza 2, Saints Row 2 and Fallout 3.

I will rock your foking world!

On other stuff, I have to say I want to keep this blog running and It would be best if it becomes more popular (you know the more, the better) but guess it wont happen anytime soon, but I will promote it more maybe I'll create a banner for my signature and put my photo on it because Im extremely handsome, and well I had this idea of writing entries on old games, it might be interesting, any suggestions on the blog? which format was your favorite, any entry that you liked? comment on it hehehe
