doubalfa / Member

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A Gaming Blog, 2009 sounds good to me

A weak without writing an entry, I dont know why I wasnt in the mood, but here I am once again writing about games and my life, I didnt have a theme for this blog entry but nw I have, I just watched the trailer for Kingdom Under Fire II, and it looks sick, if the games battles are like the ones on the trailer count me in, I played KUF Heroes on the original xbox and it was a great game, very challenging but a great game, so this kept me thinking that there are good games coming for the xbox 360 this year, and that as always is something that puts a smile in my face, Bioshock 2 Sea of Dreams, Kingdom Under Fire II, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet 2 etc. is a good start for this year, and there are games yet to be announced, so hopefully gaming will be as good as 2008, on a side note, I am a bit harsh towards activision and his Guitar Hero milking, 3 guitar hero games this year included the infamous Greatest hits....come on this is kind of a joke, same as franchises like need for speed, yearly games are no good to any brand, as there is hardly time to work on upgrades or improvements, I dont think this is good for gamers, and in some time wont be good for the publishers, you know how many guitar hero can people buy until they find is better to just download the songs, rather than buying discs or sets. Also Capcom is porting resident Evil Code Veronica to the wii...surprise surprise!! more easy money for capcom, will they ever release an original Resident Evil game, and by game I mean a Survival horror not some shooter on rails.

By the way I just got some of my games back so I've been playing some multiplayers now, The Orange Box, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Call of Duty 4 and Far Cry 2 are spinning again in my console, so if anyone wants to play some of this just let me know , by the way Im getting pretty good in Far Cry 2, Im not invincible or something around it but I do my 20+ kills per match I hope I keep getting better