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A Gaming Blog, 2014 in retrospective part 1

oh! 2014, where are you? a few days into 2015 and I can gladly look of what gaming brought me in 2014, I had the time and money to try games I would not normally try and had a few good surprises, as years pass by I'm less and less into Multiplayer games, but this year there where a couple that caught my interest a bit, and I can say I officially made the jump to the newest generation, my Xbox One saw far more playtime than my 360 (except for Fable Anniversary),this year I also had to travel a lot, so my regular playtime was at times nonexistent and other times was ok, so here is the quick breakdown of what I played this year.

January, as expected January was a slow month being the only game I got Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, I loved the original release of the game and the definitive edition, was not so different from that apart from the visual upgrade (which wass noticeable) I still had a few games to play from last year so Tomb Raider DE didn't saw as much action as I expected, although I still plan to finish the game and try to complete all SP Achievements.

Febraury; this month saw a lot more games on the 360 than the Xbox One, I got, Fable Anniversary, FarCry Classic, Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2, The Wolf Among Us Ep. 2, on the 360, Thief and Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare on the Xbox One, Fable Anniversary was a solid game and as charming as I remember, this is the only game I got the 1k gamerscore this year, FarCry Classic, was harder to me to play since I didn't have a decent screen at the moment, so the game looked awful and I couldn't get the hang of the gameplay, but later this year I got more into it and started to enjoy it (still need to finish it), Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2, was a let down, the first one was an amazing game, but this fell short, the ambient and gameplay was off putting and I never felt like Dracula, didn't even have the will to finish it, The Wolf Among us was ok, I liked the first chapter better, but the story and fabletown started to get rolling in this chapter, Thief was the game I expected the most and ended being the one I played the least, I thought it was solid but I haven't put the time and effort into actually playing and enjoying it I might do it this year, and finally, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare turned out to be a nice surprise a friendly yet fun game to play, I was hooked to the multiplayer as I used to be on Battlefield Bad Company, and the continuos release of free DLC made me keep coming back to me it's the first big game that came to the Xbox One

March: Just three games this month; I got Metal Gear Ground Zeroes, Titanfall and Dark Souls II, Metal Gear Ground Zeroes was ok, too short, but it was enjoyable while it lasted still I might try and go for the side missions before trying the Phantom Pain, then Dark Souls II, was fun to play I don't have the time, dedication, and focus to get really good at the game but it was more inviting to play than the previous game of the series, I might look into the upcoming XO version, and finally Titanfall, it was a fun game to play with friend but a little lacking on content, I expected to keep playing it a bit more, surprisingly I ended playing Plants vs Zombies GW way more.

April: 4 games all for the Xbox One, Kinect Sports Rivals, Trials Fusion, Child of Light and Lego the Hobbit; Kinect Sports Rivals turned out to be better than expected and is still fun to play with friends and family they all get impressed at how kinect creates your virtual champion, and the accuracy of the device, Trials Fusion, was my favorite game of the month, being jus what I expected, more trials and crazyness I'm surprised at the things users create on the level editor, Child of Light a pretty game, with some basic mechanics, while nice to look at, the story and gameplay drags a bit, and finally Lego the Hobbit, an ok lego game that I got to play with my nephew, too bad we also got Lego MArvel superheroes which got a ton more gametime.

May: 4 more games 3 for the Xbox One and 1 for the PS Vita, Wolfenstein the New Order, Watch_Dogs, Super Time Force and Borderlands 2, Borderlands 2 was just ok on the Vita, the controls were a bit lacking and the game appearance was just ok (Uncharted Golden Abyss looked way better) Super Time Force was a truly enjoyable game, with a creative gameplay and mission structure, I dig the game style, Watch_Dogs is an ok Ubi game, it could have been way better, but the idea was solid enough, the campaign was ok to play throught, I expect Watch_Dogs 2 to be an awesome game and finally Wolfenstein the New ORder I think this is the biggest surprise of the year for me, an incredible game, very flexible and fun to play, couldn't put down the controller until I finished it, and there I was before playing it, thinking it would be the same generic game the last Wolfenstein was.

June: worst month of the year, just one game EA Sports UFC, the game looked pretty but it was too complex to get used to, a lot of the mechanics seemed like you needed feline reflexes,on the plus side it had Bruce Lee and I actually got to go undefeated in career mode with him, in a solid record of 40-0-0 and overall rating of 100

So keep reading later for part 2 of 2014 breakdown