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A Gaming Blog, 2014 in Retrospective part 2

So this is the second part of the last blog, covering the last 6 months of the Blog.

July: July was another slow month but I got two interesting offers The Wolf Among us Ep. 5 Cry Wolf and Guacamelee STE, while Guacamelee was a nice experience and had plenty of references to both mexican and videogame culture, it also captured some of the essence of the "dia de muertos" mexican festivity, and The Wolf Among Us wrapped nicely and it became one of my favorite games of the year.

August: Had more interesting games out, I got, the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5 on Xbox 360, Madden NFL 15, Metro Redux and Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition, The Walking dead I have yet to finish ( I'm on episode 3) but the game didn't work fine on my console, constant crashes and freezes made it hard to enjoy, sadly I got the 5 chapters at once, so I didn't get the time to test it before getting it, Madden NFL 15 is what ou can expect from a Madden game, with the slight improvements for the amateurs, and the in depth customization for the fans, Metro Redux I barely played the original (and this one for the matter) but it looks and plays nice on Survival mode, I actually want to start and get into it, and finally Diablo III UEE, which was a nice update to Diablo III the new class was the most fun to play and the new chapter 5 is a blast to go throught.

September: September started the big game launches and the beginning of the end for my wallet, with Minecraft XO Edition, Destiny, Disney Infinity 2.0, Forza Horizon 2 and Middle Earth shadow of Mordor I had plenty of gaming, Minecraft was what I expected after playing the 360 edition, Disney Infinity 2.0 is played from time to time with my nephews, wish the game was simpler for them to build stuff, then Destiny was the disappointment of the year, it is not a bad game, but so much was expected from it that it felt short of what we hoped we'd experience, Forza horizon 2, is my favorite racing game nowadays, it has enought to keep me returning to play, fun driving, good races series and some of the best car "roster" I've seen, and finally Shadow of Mordor was the opposite to Destiny it turned out to be a big game, with plenty of things to do and dynamic story telling, it was a nice mix of batman arkham, assassin's creed and the awesome nemesis system, a strong game nonetheless.

October: wasn't as impressive as September but still had good games like The Evil Within, Sunset Overdrive and Killer Instinct Season 2, KI hasn't released the full roster, but so far the additions are welcome and keeps making the game bigger, The Evil Within, so far is good, kind of weird, and the black bars on the screen are annoying, but gameplaywise it's enjoyable so far and finally SSOD is one of the best new IP to come this year, fun, irreverent,colorful and with plenty of stuff to do, it could have used a better coop component.

November, the biggest month of the year with a constant barrage of games, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Assassin's Creed Unity, Halo the Master Chief Collection, FarCry 4, GTA V and Dragon Age Inquisition, CoD:AW is the most engaging Call of duty I have played since Modern Warfare 2, and the new gameplay features make the formula feel somewhat fresh, AC Unity is so far ok to play and looks really pretty but is nowhere as engaging as Black Flag, then there's Halo which was somewhat of a letdown, on one hand when it works is pure joy to play, but when it doesn't.....ugh! nothing new except the 60FPS wich is nice, we also have FarCry 4, a game fun, pretty and full with content, some of the best gameplay on a FPS, the wildlife and the nonscripted events are truly special, then there's GTA V a game that was rerelased from last year with the same base experience and the added FP mode, and best and last Dragon Age Inquisition, a huge game, pretty with tons of activities and jaw dropping moments, specially if you played the previous games and got to arrange your world in the Dragon Age Keep.....GotY.

December: not much just Limbo and it was for free, but I love that game!

so that was 2014 for me, hope 2015 is as interesting! but it's kind of off putting the many bugs games have nowadays