Hi, been another couple months, well things have been rather well for me, I just returned from a gaming hiatus (two months), since gaming stopped being somewhat interesting, but after some time away, I felt eager to play som games, so I chose a couple that had me interested, I got the mass effect trilogy, which has been good memories and I really want to play the third one, I also got FarCry 3, which is amazing and I've barely scratched the campaign, I got assassin's creed 3 which I've been playing very methodical and I'm impressed it seems really immersive, finally I got dead space 3 for co op purposes and whilst I've enjoyed the game I'm not as hooked with it than I was with the first two.
And well I'm fixing on getting Crysis 3, what's really curious is that all this games are the part 3 of their current series, and most debuted this generation, so I guess this is the natural course of a franchise over a generation, cool huh!?