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A Gaming Blog, 5 years with my 360

Happy b-day, xbox 360….well it's not exactly 5 years but, I got itearly in Februarystarted so I take my time to write this blog, about 5 years with my Xbox 360, for starters it is the console I've had for the longest time, and naturally the one I've played more different games! So to commemorate this last 5 years as a gamer I'll blog about the best games I played on the console! According to their release dates.
10. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent; I got this game just for the sake of getting it, I thought it was going to be the same game as the original xbox version, but no, the story is mostly the same but the graphics were really pretty and the settings were mostly original, although the MP left a lot to be desired.
9. Gears of War; the graphics for this were damn pretty, I was impressed by them the gore and the cover based mechanic gave the game a personality of it's own, the Multiplayer was a good addition and fun to play every once in a while.
8. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare; the first chapter of the modern saga was the best story wise, and the MP was fun and different from other games, with unlockables and fast paced action, the set pieces were kind of new to me at the time.
7. The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion; open be who you want in Cyrodiil and do whatever you want, this game absorbed me for a good 150 hours, where I tried to do most of the stuff available, my warrior had no equal….until the world scaled with him….but it was a unique and rewarding experience al around.
6. Assassin's Creed; I remember watching a cutscene in Prince of Persia the two thrones where the prince escalated a wall so freely I thought wow if I could play like that it would be so cool! Then came AC, where not only was part of the base of the game it had a cool setting and a great story, my brother enjoyed watching me play that for the sense of freedom the game gives you while traversing the city.
5. The Orange box; I never played Half-Life 2, so I was really interested in this game just to see what the fuzz was all about, and man Half-Life 2 and it's episodes left a good taste in my mouth and I saw how creative the game was, then came Team Fortress 2 and it's ****based MP although I sicked I enjoyed playingit just for fun, not to mention Portal which originality and charisma made for an impressive package
4. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas; Call of Duty 4 might be fast and crazy, but Rainbow Six Vegas is slower and methodical, the way to play it is as a team both in Single Player and Online MP or co-op the feel of the weapons was good, the challenge was even better, and lining up a headshot is still fantastic.
3. Halo 3; I have to admit I disliked Halo for it's popularity (although I had Halo 2…) and well the sheer amount of media covering this game sold it to me, as I tried it I finished the campaign in no time and while I liked it I had a feeling I was missing something, so I subscribed to xbox live to try it….and well I have to say this has to be my most played game on xbox 360….
2. Bioshock; when I first got it I played it for like 2 hours then stopped for 2 months, when I picked it up again I couldn't stop finding all about Rapture and soak in it's atmosphere, it doesn't play that good but the setting and narrative are one of a kind.
1. Mass Effect; I got lured to Bioware games by KotOR, then I tried and also loved Jade Empire, so I had to play this, the universe it was set in was incredible, the ****s and choices hooked me, and no moment in gaming has felt more epic to me than the final assault of the fleet on sovereign.
10. Dead Space; I recently got to experience Dead Space and like Bioshock I tried and stopped playing it, then I picked it up and when I did man; I got pull into the U.S.S. Ishimura nad hunted for Necromorphs like crazy.
9. Prince of Persia; I remember this game fonsly, not because it has a great story or because the gameplay is top notch, is because of the visuals, it looks beautiful and I was able to play it just to enjoy the landscape and character models, and well they finally made a likable companion with Elika.
8. Gears of War 2; bigger, badder and more badass, Gearso f War 2, brought all the good things from the first one and improved and expanded on some other things, the multiplayer was way better, and it made survival modes all the rage, the environments were vastly improved in this one, and the weapon selection was amazing.
7. Mirror's Edge; this game as Prince of Persia is artistic, it looks stunning, for the art direction, and it sounds appealing, the simplicity in the controls made it great to fool around, it lacks some features I know, but in the end I remember the bright colors and the speed I was moving in while I jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
6. Left 4 Dead; the best co-op experience out there, go alone and you're doomed, work as a team and feel satisfied, then it came the multiplayer, make them run separate and hunt them one by one, who knew that playing an infected could be so much fun!
5. Fable II; I was a big fan of the first Fable, so I had to try this the beginning was kind of slow, then I turned a gipsy, then I killed thieves, then I married, then I bough a city, then I traveled to uncharted seas, then I was a slave, then I was the owner of all Albion, so much things happened in the journey I couldn't stop playing it, oh and the dog was amazing.
4. Saints Row 2; while GTA IV was more serious, saints Row 2 was like a goofy sequel of GTA San Andreas, the over the top plot, and action made it so fun to play, I tried and did almost everything possible in that game, and chuckled all the time
3. Battlefield Bad Company; destructible environments? Tanks? ****s? Count me in! I got this a little late, and when I tried it I was kind of bored with the campaign, then just for curiosity I tried the campaign, I never played the single player again, that's how good I consider this Multiplayer, the audio and graphical presentation completed the package and made me a fan.
2. Rainbow Six Vegas 2; The Single player was good, the co-op was amazing, but the Multiplayer….I played it religiously 2 hours a day for like 2 months, I could never stopped improving my soldier and playing with my clan, man I even had a clan, it improved on it's predecessor in subtle but precise ways.
1. Fallout 3; combine Portals personality with an epic and long campaign, then add bioshock atmosphere, and mix it up with 50's music and you get a glimpse at Fallout 3, I only played it once to be honest, but that was one hell of a ride, I explored the whole capital wasteland, got all the weapons met everyone, and still I had the nerve to get some DLC and play it.
10. Shadow Complex; the standard by which all XBLA games are measured, the game is a nod to games like metroid, and presents a really big and rich environment to explore and conquer, and it does look really pretty in motion.
9. The Beatles Rock Band; I'm a huge fan of The Beatles myself and while I never played any music game before this I knew for certain that I had to play this, so I got it enjoy it, and played it again! Every once in a while I just put the game watch the beautiful intro and play a couple songs.
8. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2; the narrative for this got a lot more ridicule, but still was fun to play, Spec ops (the co-op mode) was challenging and fun to play as it presented diverse challenges, and well the multiplayer was unbalanced and could make your pull your hair…but in the end it was a blast to play with friends.
7. Left 4 Dead 2; when I played the first Left 4 Dead I enjoyed whoever I couldn't differentiate one campaign from the other, well with part 2, all the campaigns had a unique and amazing feeling, add to that melee and new infected and you have a hit!.
6. Street Fighter IV; I'm a big fan of the series, and was mighty pleased with this return to the series for a couple months I was totally addicted to the multiplayer, I even got an impressive streak playing as E. Honda, then news came and….(continues in 2010)
5. Dragon Age Origins; this game reminds me of the gameplay in KotOR, but in a medieval setting, now end of the similarities, Dragon Age doesn't play it safe it's playground is in the big grey area of Morality, sacrifice someone for the good of the people, or save him for your best interests? This kind of choiced made DA:O fell really unique.

4. Batman Arkham Asylum; how can you turn a superhero into a good videogame, just do what rocksteady did with Batman, use and explore the characters, pay attention to the story, use the character strong points, and polish it with top notch presentation and gameplay.
3. Forza Motorsport 3; I'm not a racing games fan, but when you get your hands on a game like Forza 3, you have to experience and feel it, is the most flexible game of it's kind to play, I like making designs for my cars, my brother just likes making drags in quarter miles, and there is a whole lot to do between those 2 points.
2. Borderlands; I don't know what this game has hat captivates me, maybe the loot? The leveling system? The co-op? the bazillion weapons? Maybe all of them, even to these day I keep playing Borderlands and never get bored of it.
1. Assassin's Creed II; when I first saw Ezio I thought "am I supposed to like this guy better than almighty altair?" then I heard " Requiescat in Pace" and saw Venice and I was thrilled, the story for Ezio is one of the best I've seen, from teenager to a grown man, you see how much he changes and how much he experiences in his life…all in amazing playgrounds and with impressive gameplay.