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A Gaming blog, 5 years with my xbox 360 part 2


10. Transformers War for Cybertron; I wasn't interested in this at all but a gamespoter talked me into it and wow, I had a blast the campaign was lacking (although it had a couple great moments) but the multiplayer modes were where the game really shined and left a good impression.

9.Castlevania Lords of Shadow; it is not like any other Castlevania game , it reminded me more of the hack n' slash games, but I have good memories of this game because of diverse factors; the touching story, the impressive and beautiful graphics and the epic music.

8. Fallout New Vegas; when I started this game it was a chore I was comparing it to Fallout 3 and it fell short, then I got to the first Legion fight and I was involved in the conflict and the story in this game, now that I remember I have things to settle with the guy In the checkered coat…brb.

7. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood; I have to be honest this is one of my least like AC games, but it added some fun stuff to the mix worthy of mention like Leonardo's Machines, the assassin's ready to help you and an original Multiplayer, and I have to admit I enjoyed watching Rodrigo Borgia dying.

6. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction; as a fan of the series I was underwhelmed by conviction, no more planning and spy games, it was more like a hunter and their helpless preys as a fan of Sam fisher I'm glad to see him being that superior to everyone, but still miss the good old days, and well the multiplayer modes as some other games this year were really amazing.

5. Battlefield Bad Company 2; while the campaign was a step up (and Sarge, Sweetwater and Haggar are as likely as the first one) the real thrill came in the Multiplayer portion it expanded improved and hooked me like the first one and in 2010 that's saying something, the graphics wowed me…heck even my girlfriend was impressed by them.

4. Super Street Fighter IV; call me crazy but no other fighting game this gen has had the polish and different fighting styles this game has, with added characters, supers, and game modes there is no reason not to enjoy it.

3. Halo Reach; any other year Reach would have been number 1, the already impressive list of features for Halo 3 return and are expanded upon, the Multiplayer is as good as usual (and I always played it with friends which duplicates the joy) but what I really think is the best of the game is the campaign, I don't know I differ to all of the other Halo fans but I think this is the best and most epic campaign in the series (and today I can say I've played them all) and the score is as good as the best of the series.

2. Red Dead Redemption; the realistic approach that I despised in GTA IV got me in Red Dead Redemption, the tale of John Marston and his redemption is one hell of a experience, add to that the beaty that surrounds the game and you have a winner, the gameplay, was also as fun as the game, and to see the realistic reactions of the euphoria engine was one hell of a show.

1. Mass Effect 2; the commander is back, and no other tale has grasped me like this, the crew is expanded, the sense of scale is bigger, and the war with the reapers is coming. The combat was tweaked and it actually works this time, your squad can be commanded and given instructions this time, the sad thing is I have to wait still to play part 3.


10. Mortal Kombat; the return to the series did it justice, it's a joy and a challenge to play, while presenting the same cruel violence as usual, but to top things this time it is accompanied by top notch gameplay and a fun story mode.

9. Dead Space 2; I haven't dedicated the time this game deserves, but when I do I know I'll get hooked to this for some time, they kept the core gameply from the first and expanded upon, so I'm eager to find out what happens to Mr. Clarke.

8. Battlefield 3; I have to be honest, at least on console I find the spin off series Bad Company series more enjoyable than the main Battlefield, but I find still the Multiplayer engaging and fascinating, I just wish I had more time to play it and really experience it.

7. L.A. Noire; this game is original to me, in the end is a point and click game but since I never played one, I feel it so fresh, the story for each murder is a thriller and to point the finger at the right suspect feels so rewarding, and to be honest I'm still impressed by the facial MoCap for this game.

6. Gears of War 3; is the best game of the series, and brings closure to the saga, it got buried under many new releases but still I wish to play it every once in a while, all the facets of the game got improved and expanded, with a couple welcomed additions, I just want to get doen with the titles I'm currently playing to enjoy ab it more the chainsaws!

5. Assassin's Creed Revelations; the tale of Ezio comes to an end and his ending is really touching, while you experience the last days of altair and see the end of Ezio's adventure you get a feeling of closure to an impressive arch, the gameplay was polished and had a couple twists to make it fresh, and the visuals are way better this time around, and to top it all they created a couple likable characters for this entry.

4. Batman Arkham City; it improved on every facet of the original, the combat was spectacular and rewarding, the amount of characters is impressive and they all played their part, you get to see fan favorites and have a couple twists before the end, although I found goofy the Arkhma City initiative and hat conveniently a lot of stuff important to the batman myth were inside the city walls.

3. Portal 2; if Portal 2 had no personality and such likable characters it would be half as good as it is, thank god you meet Whitley, Cave Johnson and Caroline, that makes it fun and engaging, I saw it finished and wanted to start right away!...I'm in space!!!!

2. Deus Ex Human Revolution; at first I was meh with this game then I got involved into the narrative and atmosphere of Detroit and Heng sha, I marveled at the future that dues ex presented, and found a really likable character in Adam Jensen, that aside with the flexibility in gameplay made is one of the best game I've ever played.

1. The Elders Scroll V Skyrim; I've said enough of this game, and probably you have played it, although notes aside I have around 50 hours of gameplay and have just seen 2 bugs and one was a frostbite spider stuck in the level geometry and the other a Dragon that never attacked me.

Five year and this is the best they have? I'm impressed by all the quality titles I played on the 360 when writing this I erased and moved a lot of games in the order I remembered and kept some good ones out! And to close this article….the games I still expect to play in the near future in my 360!

1. Mass Effect 3

2. Rainbow Six Patriots

3. Bioshock Infinite

4. Borderlands 2

5. Tomb Raider

6. Halo 4

7. Prey 2

8. The Syndicate

9. Transformers Fall of Cybertron

10. FarCry 3