Well here it is part 2 of last weeks blog, which looks more like sucky articles but anyway, I'm currently playing EndWar and I feel frustration from time to time, half the time the game doesn't recognize my commands and I finished Mass Effect on the Paragon side let's see how the rebel turns out.
In 2006 some of the best games this generation were released, for the wii and Gamecube The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, which to my eeyes was one of the best games in the franchise, for the Xbox 360 3 huge games were released, The epic size and never ending game The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion, the graphic impressive and brutal Gears of War and the tactical and highly rated Multi Player Rainbow Six Vegas, also the last entry in the Splinter Cell series, Double agent which met mixed reviews.
2007 was the first strong year for the Xbox360 and I also got access to a Wii, the Xbox 360's lineup included the Multiplayer meta of Halo 3, the instant classic Bioshock, the versatility of TheOrange Box, the huge experience of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, the innovative and too many repetitive Assassin's Creed, and the latest Bioware master piece Mass Effect, some other good games saw the light this year, like The Darkness,Virtua Fighter 5 and Rock Band
well another year passed by and 2008 started with some great games like the coop fun of Army of Two, my personal favorite Multiplayer Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the polemic Grand theft Auto IV, and Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii,by midway through the year Soul Calibur IV and Battlefield Bad Company filled the gap, for the one I think has been the best last third of a gaming year, the following games were released in a 3 month span and I played most if not all of them,Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway, Star Wars the Force Unleashed, Mirror's Edge,Fable II, FarCry 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & bolts, Prince of Persia,Left 4 Dead, Tomb Raider Underworld, Call of Duty World at War and my personal favorite of the year Fallout 3
. things kept going the next year with early releses like Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5, the year kept going until half with Prototype and Red Faction Guerrilla spinning by mid 2009, there was the big surprise and solitude of Batman Arkham Asylum, followed by the party game The Beatles Rock Band, the coop firefight experience of Halo 3 ODST, the extensive and epic Dragon Age Origins, the coop madness of Left 4 Dead 2, the huge Assassin's Creed 2, the realistic and fast Forza Motorsport 3, the highly anticipated Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, on the wii the fun of New Super MArio Bros. Wii was enough to keep it in use
so this was for me the last 10 years, this is what I played and liked for the most part, there are tons of games I forgot to mention and I'll make some awards for the decade later on this same blog obviously this all is personal opinion you may or may not disagree, and well the decade just started, and in just a coule mnths we have Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Bioshock 2 and Dante's Inferno and things seems to keep great