So we're living 2010, 10 years have passed since the first massive hysteria of the end of the world, and well, what better way than spending 10 years than gaming? yeah I know, work, girlfriends, marriage, family etc. but this is a gaming site so no one cares, 3 generations of consoles have breath life in the 10 years, for me it was a nintendo 64, a gamecube, a xbox and a xbox360 everyone had it's own merits everyone gave me great experiences, lots of fun.
So I was thinking of doing this decade special blog, and the best of it, or maybe do it by year, just in a phew paragraphs no lists or ranks. Finally I decided to throw most of the cool stuff into the blog.
In 2000 I was starting to feel like a gamer, I enjoyed playing some of the worst games out there, I even played Superman 64 until I finished it, some classics and some of my all time favorites were released, being the sequel to my favorite game of all time...The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask; a darker game, with lots of polishment but I didn't feel as much love was putted into this one, different game mechanics, and some pretty interesting ideas made it althoug similar, draw apart from his predecessor, then another now classic loved by many gamers...Perfect Dark, spiritual sequel to Goldeneye 007, only with a great addition....16 player multiplayer conmponent playable wit bots, co operative campaign, and counter operative campaign.then there was another RARE game, Banjo Tooie which improved over the first one on a lot of things making the games more massive and being more humorous, also some licenses began to fade, such as Turok that part 3 was in no way comparable to the second one.
Then a new generation came by giving us some of the greatest moments of gaming, I picked up a gamecube mainly because of the nintendo licenses. games like the polished and always awesme smash bros. melee, or the spectacular dogfights of Rogue Squadron 2 made the first year of the cube a great success, somethig named Halo was released on the Xbox which was a new contender, the next year got better, with the ultra classic and intelligetn Metroid Prime, new IPs like Eternal Darkness, after some years a new Mario gae in the form of Super Mario Sunshine, the visual candy Resident Evil .
And then it happened I got an xbox so I started trying more games and even better ones 2003 was filled with some of the best games also the ultra fast F-Zero GX, the big surprise Beyond Good and Evil, the new entry in the Zelda Franchise The Windwaker and for the xbox there was a lot of great games being released and looking better than the other consoles the flagship of that year being Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the always spectacular Prince of Persia Sands of time which made a fan of the series, even the fighting genre had a jewel for the three consoles in the form of SoulCalibur II, the visual stunner Project Gotham Racing 2.
2004 seemed also a spectacular year full of surprises and great games, being my biggest surprise the awesomeness of Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow that captvated me (gamingwise) the multiplayer greatness of Halo 2, the ultra fast Ninja Gaiden, the sequel of Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords, the epic adventure of Fable, the dark Prince of Persia Warrior Within, the well balanced Mortal Kombat Deception and the massive battles of Star Wars Battlefront
2005 was the last year of the crrent generation of consoles with the Xbox 360 being released by the end of the year everyone was trying to release the best to say goodbye to the current generation, being the most impressive to me Splincet Cel Chaos Theory which in presentation, gameplay and multiplayer wise was a success, the tension that made you feel Resident Evil 4, the huge world of Grand theft Auto San Andreas, the release on consoles of Half-Life 2, Bioware's epic chinese fantasy game Jade Empire, the visually stunning Doom 3. and by the end of the year...the Xbox 360...
To be continued next week