Hey readers! been a while since I wrote a real entry hehe, things are a little too quiet around here so I decided to fill another blog page with nonsense stuff, I've been in Germany for almost two weeks now things around here are way too different from Mexico, I never thought I'd be in Europe and miss Mexico but I do miss my country hehe gaming around here is somewhat different every single I've seen is censored in the violence subject, most of the pals I've made here (that game) own a ps3, so I can't share much of my experiences around, even so this is a gaming site and as the title notes, a gaming blog! so let's get into subject
you sure know what this is!!??
I haven't played anything here well a bit of Age of Empires, and some SNES emulators hehe, but aside from that nothing, so I chose a topic that everyone will love...Achievements.
plick! achievement unlocked; how many tmes have you seen this? Achievements serve a purpose and one purpose only, bragging, yeah I said it ok, achievements are only to show someone that you did something on x game, so what does it prove ?why we love them? I don't know, I just enjoy getting the most on my games I have this completion feeling, and that I got the most out of my money, of course there are games that takes to much to even make a significant advance in gamerscore to try it (ejem! Perfect Dark, Dead Rising and Far Cry Instincts Im looking at you). I remember a couple years back I gamed and never knew how much gamerscore I had, all this until my cousin asked me "whats your gamerscore?" and I was like uh...what? he told me about the achievement and all at the time I had around 4000 gamerscore, he was around 8000, to be honest it made me want to surpass him, so I started gaming and going for achievements as best as I could so it began an achievement fever which ended in me having 33,000 points and my cousin 15,000 haha I think I went to far in the subject, the first couple of months I was obsessed with the achivements to the point of looking for guides and stop enjoying games, just because I wanted more and more, but then I started to get bored of most games, so I decided to stop the obsession and start doing what I like the most, gaming.
the best achievement list out there is the one form the 3 episodes of Half-Life
yeah, it's cool to have an achievement unlocked, but I dont go for them anymore, I just start playing games and whenever an achievement appears Im glad, but I wont look the achievements list at all, and that's why I returned to so many multiplayer games, Im back enjoying Halo 3 I stopped it playing after the 1000 gamerscore, because of that and the map packs, street fighter IV is a joy to play and I get on a fight or two once a week (well when I was home at least) nd now that is the thing to talk about avatar awards, Im really looking to see what you can unlock by playing, my suggestion would be to get something at 50% and then to 100% or after getting some really hard achievements, well this is it for this entry on a further blog I'll continue with this theme.
By the way, my brother got me some games Im looking to get them they are Prototype, Mortal Ko,bat vs DC and call me nuts but I dont recall having a virtua tennis