Hey reades! another week another blog, yeah I know I always do this, say away from my blog a couple of months then back in full force, then away, then back, then away, then back, then away, then back...enough with the gag right now i'm in the back process so what should I disscuss today? mmm tough one, I just had this idea, since I responded to a thread about 1000/1000 game completion, I finished Assassin's Creed 2;s 1000 points and I owe you a pt. 2 achievement blabery I'm making a small entry on my game completions and some random stuff on it.
First of all a few lines to comment on the dark side of things....boosters, when someone destroys the experience of a multipayer game to everyone el se on the match to have an achievement is something that I found incredibly irritating, there are web pages, forums and whatnot dedicated to achievement hunting, so why not make parties to get achievements? yesterday I was helping a couple buddies getting one. So why not let everyone enjoy their games and do your stuff with people that will enjoy that too? if you played Halo 3 around October of 2007 you surely suffer from constant matches with 2 or 3 people boosting an achievement. It was annoying.
Other thing I can comment on is people getting sh!tty games...I find no wrong in that if they enjoy getting achievements more than gaming let them be, don't complain, maybe you're angry because your jealous that they are rising their gamerscore and you are stuck in the same 15k, I don't know the reasons, Me? I woudln't play something I dislike to get some quick points, a friend of mine told me to play Terminator Salvation but I was like nah, I better play something worth of my gaming time. I have proudly around 40k right now and it all comes from games I wanted or recommendations, so let's see how Sandman is doing in the achievement department.
first the games I have completed 100% (according to my xbox)
Assassin's Creed; which was 2 solid playthroughts and 9 hours finding flags, must say are you insane, I can only smile and say, what can I say I love parkour and killing enemies with the most fancy swordplay I can do (no counter) obviously I had a lot of trouble finding the flags, but what I did was a square per square total research.
Assassin's Creed 2; this was way easier than the first one, without trying I finished the gme with a solid 910G so I made my way finding 30 feathers I was missing, hiring all courtesans I crossed with, and well I tried to hard to sweep guards,sunday I got to finish 1 guad without taking damage (smoke bombs :D) it was way easier than the first one, still enjoyable
Batman Arkham Asylum; I enjoyed this game a lot and the achieements weren't too hard there were two that you have to really try them to get them; Party popper and Mano a Mano, they require you to handle some situations in specific ways, the riddler challenges were pretty easy just finding a map and the challenges, were way harder than I tought any way by simply playing the game on hard you can get around 750
Banjo-Kazooie (XBLA): this only requires collecting every single thing on the game and finish it...pretty simple you'll have it in around 9 hours
someone told me you're PS3 exclusive is that right punk?
games I have the retail 1000/1000 but DLC screwed me
Marvel Ultimate Alliance; this one was pretty good, game I had to finish it like 6 times to get all achievement,s most are pretty simple, but ther are some that require annoying ammounts of grinding, specially to get every heros costume (by the time I was not a fan of achievements, I was a fan of Marvel Comics and was curious about the outfits) I'm just missing couple ahcievemtns of the DLC seeing as I have most of the DLC ones :D
Halo 3; I had all 1000 original points, without boosting, I used to like a lot this game and played it with friends all the time campaign achievements were pretty quick and online ones were pop out every once in a while, it wasn't that hard, except a few I had to really try to get them, I have the mythic disc and all maps so 1750 is not too far away....thing is I lost my interes in Halo 3 a long time ago
The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion; all the achievements came ut playing the story and the guilds....it takes time but it is all too easy and enjoyable...by the time I did this I didn't even knew about gamrscore and achievements :D, I have the Shivering Isles DLC but I have to focus to get it started maybe at some point later hehe
Star Wars the Force Unleashed: it was also very easy it required playthroughts, finding a couple holocrons (big glowing cubes) and grind all abilities, I never got any DLC beacuse I traded it in before DLC came out, what a shame maybe I will get the ultimate Sith Edition
Fable II; this one required an insane amount of looking for stuff spending money, do certain killing....ok ok you got me, it was pretty easy, the only hard one? Doll catcher, you have to collect 6 hero dolls....thing is in every playthorugh you can only find 2, so the tricks is to trade with other players, I did it after amost a year of playing it hahaha, I got the see the future DLc but I have yet to play it.
Tomb Raider Underworld; ah this one had it's share of easy achievements, but required google on some of them, treasure hunt was easy and I completed it on my second playthrough, the levels are short so it doen't require that much time dedication :D
Fallout 3; One of my favorites, same as Oblivion it only requires, to do all main missions (noted in your diary) and reach certain levels with some moral inclination, this is fairly easy if you follow the good choices, when you're about to reach a level achievement, save then go steal stuff until your morality is bad enough and kill some monsters or complete a quest, I got the broken steel DLC and I finished it, I have yet to get all other DLC
I didn't do it...well maybe I helped a little
the quite almost there
Bioshock (950) I have to get the avid inventor and finish the game on hard...when I get it back I must complete it
Mass Effect (940) I'm currently on my last playthrought of the game, i have to do a couple engineer ones, adept ones and finish the game on insane
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (880) I have only to finish Charlie don't surf mission which is a pain in the a$$, and finish the jeep mission, find 5 terminals and destroy the TVs so I have to sit and finish that mission
I tell you guys, this bioshock movie is not a good idea