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A Gaming Blog, E3

Hey there, I've just finishing making a recap f the info shown on the E3...well actually I am a bit lazy so I was late to do this entry.

Well I'm not talking about the whole expo, just about the consoles that concern me (xbox 360 and a bit of Wii) so lets start with the massacre

Microsoft Press conference and games for the xbox 360 that are worth mentioning for me

The conference was sos so, with some interesting titles some worthless announcements (for me ,as half the features for the 360 are only for the US and UK) and the so called project natal (which seems cool but no further comment until they actualy do something with it, and enough with the jokes about terminator/skynet), the games for this and next year that seem to impress me the most are (in no specific order)

-Modern Warfare 2: is this game not called of duty? the first game was pretty entertaining but wasnt like the holy sh!t game for me, so this is a maybe when it is cheaper I will get it,bacuase gameplaywise it doesnt seem too different to the first modern warfare and world at war,

-Assassin's Creed 2: I really liked the First AC, it had some cool features and some fancy swordplay (it had its science once you get passed the counter attack) this seems like more of the same with more options which is great for me, it is a must have for me maybe a month or two after release, ad well I love the settinc in vencie and all, but I just hope thy dont over use Leonardo Da vinci

come and hug Ezio!

- Mass Effect 2: ME is easily one of my favorite games of all times. so that is enough for me to get the sequel the improvemtns to the game arent really that necessary (for me) but they are wel received,.....oh commander sheppard...

-Bioshock 2 : Bioshock was and still is one of my top 5 games on the 360, so naturally I am eager to get my hands or my drill on this one, Im too curious to see the multiplayer in action and what new plasmids and tonics are added to the game, I might buy it sooner or later but only time will tell

and just when you tought you were safe GlaDos got a body!

-Army of Two 2...the 40th day or something like that: I liked the first Army of Two but I did made a mistake having high hopes in it, so this time I will wait a bit to buy it used and well then I will feel my money is worth, the new mechanics seemed like they were for the first part but with this game only time will tell

-Splinter Cell Conviction: the game I am anticipating the far, I ma fan of the series and the character, so I am pretty happy to know that it is still alive and looks interesting enough for me!

-Halo 3 ODST ("Halo 3"2): a new halo is good for bussiness and gamers, it seems the new mechanics will create a different experience, but you know ODST i an expansion and Im not willing to bu an expansion for full price, so maybe I will et this one when it has a price drop

- Halo Reach: coming fall 2010 thats all I know

- Alan Wake: remeber how mazng alone in the dark looked a yer or two ago? well thats how alan's wake seem today, I hope it is the game everyone expects to play and that it deliver a trilling and scary experience ot at least thati t puts you tense from time to time I dont know If im getting this maybe a renta....dont know need to know more about the game (the first non sequel on this list)

-Dante's Inferno: Kratos, the name God of War and the God of War logos are property of SCEA so EA made its own game based on that ...ok

Dragon's Lair meets God of War

-Forza Motorsport 3: I liked forza 2 but I havent finished it so as soon s I finish 2 I might be getting part 3 (you know at least every forza has an incredible price drop after a few months, crashes? more than 400 vehicles count me in! (someday)

Other games worth a mention: Dragon Age Origins, Singularity,Crackdown 2, Castlevania Lord of Shadows, TMNT turtles in time ReShelled, Shadow Complex(this sounds like a generic name), Perfect Dark 1.2, Wolfenstein, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Bros. 5 or New Super Mario Bros. 2

Lots of "2"s this year even more than last year (Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Far Cry 2)

Also on a side note both the shrine of the fighter (Palanta's union I deny to put a link because every reader of my blog is member of the union) and A gaming Blog are getting their first anniversary this month, oh and next week I'll do a Recap on my gaming Year to do something different.