doubalfa / Member

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A Gaming Blog, Gamecube and Xbox revived!

So I was offline for a long long time, I was very busy ( and just when I thought I had enough time to play all my games) so I wasnt able to play anything, so I lend all my 360 games (except for mass effect and FIFA 09) so when I was finally able to put some hours into my 360 I barely have games (from 36 games I own I now have 2) so I opened my trunk of memories and there they were, my gamecube and my xbox calling me to play them, and guess what I am having one hell of a time,I've been playing lots of last gen classics such as, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4,Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Halo Combat Evolved, Star Wars Battlefront II and Jade Empire, although I felt strange with the blurry textures and all, and missed the "beep" achievement unlocked (I nearly felt it was going to appear in some games but it didnt hehe), I forgot how much I did enjoy those games, some feel a bit old or a bit stiff, but it was great to replay most of them as I forgot almost everything about so I felt almost like the first time

die you ugly son of a troll

have you heard of dead or alive?

and well I will continue to play all those games, and well have a little mass effect, for some state of the art gaming, but well it is great to play sometimes the oldies but goodies, by the wy im working on my best of the year awards, and well im trying to give them a nice presentation