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A Gaming Blog, Gamin in Summer 2009

Hey two week since our last entry, I wasn't busy and I didn't forget to write it, I just didn't have a theme or something that made me wander about gaming and life, so that equals to no entry haha bad way to start the second year right? well but this week off I had lots of ideas on themes about the blog, but for those I need further analysis and attention on the topics I'll be touching

So what happens to todays blog? I'll do a clazzic gaming entry you know what I got and currently play and my take on it! so with no more delay here it is Gamin in July 13th!!!

Left 4 Dead: I just got this game about 3 weeks ago, but I have to be honest I'va barely played it, I played a co op campaign with Gamespot user Palantas, we just finished "Death Toll" Campaign I was playing as Francis, bacause Zoey was being used by someone else....too bad, I did horrible in the game I had severe lag issues (my girl was checking her Facebook.....and I have a crappy connection so do the math), I tried also to play by myself bot I got bored to death, I didnt feel the experience that gives you sharing my experience with someone else, so I hotted online and it got worse, as an infected I did so-so, I killed a survivor as a smoker, so I didn't feel useless, but then trouble began as we played the survivors there was this guy on our team that just started shooting on all of us (he even shooted on the safe room) he was making me angry so I turned around and shot him till he was down, I thught of leaving him that way but then, the other two survivors helped him and he kept, shooting us, so once again I downed him...and he was revived again.....then he killed the other two survivors, and got killd by a hunter by the time I was alone all the opposing team was hunting for I died, it made me angry so I quitted the game nad haven't played it since....I guess I'll give it another go. And see if I can play with team players.

-Shoot him before he gets to us!!

-but that's Louis

-I know

The Darkness: I got also the Darkness excessively cheap (in US Dollars it was like $9) so I always wanted to play it and I finally got to do it, I think the game is pretty immersive you have the first person point of view and it is well done one of the few games in wich you can watch from your chest down, also I like the violence the game manages, no exploding heads, or limbs destryed, just bullet holes and lots of blood, and well shootouts are so-so in this point of the game, bt using the few darkness powers I have has result in some interesting fights, being creeping dark one of my favorites, also it has some great details, like the girl you watch with your girl it is complete there or what I stayed there for like 20 minutes and the movie kept going, amazing, I have barely scratched the game so on further experiences on it I will write a bit about it.

watchin the movie I mentioned early

Street Fighter IV: wow! just wow, It has been long since I played a fighting game this good (the last for me was Mortal Kombat deception) but Street Fighter IV has the spirit of Street Fighter II but with enough new stuff and details to make it fresh, first of all I like the graphics on the game it is like some kind of cell shaded combined with japanese art and manga....the charaters seem alive from time to time, If you unleash an Ultra Finisher when the screen takes your character to show it triggered, you can see the opponent with a face like "I'm screwed" animations and characters gestures are pretty impressive, also most animations are well done, story wise is like every other street fighter, no real story just characters movies as prologues and ending (they are shown like short animes) and well it has a huge cast of players, I've counted 24 as of today, each with its own ****and moveset, (even Ryu and Ken feel too different one from the other) and new game mechanics that arent too complicated but adds strategy to the fights (like the EX moves, focus attacks and Guard breaks) the online of the game is the best I've seen in a fighting game, no lag at all and the controls are too responsive, Im currently playing with the controller, no plans on gettin an arcade stick, and well a set back to the game is the ammount of person that uses cheap tactics, and most pleople play with just Ryu or ken (around 3 of every 4 picks them) me??? I play as E. Honda hehe

the best belly physics ever!!!

Resident Evil 5: I just got this ne also I'm currently playing the second chapter on normal with the AI partner, the game is a solid action game right now, but not barely close to the feel I got when playing Resident Evil 4, is the same formula but less interesting if you get me, by having a partner you dont have the same urge of scaping and the inventory system was dumbed down, you can have 9 items at any given time no more no less, and this is annoying, because the AI partner uses ammo like you had infinite, she empties weapons in matter of seconds and takes several seconds to shoot any enemy, so it isnt helpful at all and just throws ammo away, the presentation of the game is spectacular, the enviroments, characters and crearures all look impressive, but after playing Gears of War or even Dark Sector I feel the controls too clunky, I dont feel as super extra specia lagent Chris Redfield, I just feel ultra stiff muscular guy 1, also what is the point of enemies running if they are going to stop and walk when they are two meters away from you, if you are going to make running guys, then do it, but if you are going to make them walk slow than do it that way it looks pretty weird to see that.

just when you thought you got rid of Louis

So this is it for the week I've finished Fallout 3 and the Broken Steel DLC and I decided to give the game a 9.3 score it was that good to me!.