Readers and she readers a little bit of time since my last blog but that ain't going to stop me right? things are getting a little easier on me this week so I might have some free time in my hands this week, some people may ask what's new around Sand? or where were you? I was fixing my mom new place, paying bills after my dad's burial, and playing some videogames, I got a couple new ones since my last blog, so I might write on those!
Battlefield Bad Company 2; I was a huge fan of the first Bad Company (well at least the online component of that game) and I was eager to get this game for a long time now I just couldn't find it anywhere, after finally getting it and playing the hell out of it: I liked this campaign a lot more it was somewhat short missions with some fresh touches to never get bored of it, and it ended just when everything started to feel familiar, so thumbs up, second the online multiplayer is way more robust in this game with specializations, more weapons, scopes way more dynamic maps and a couple "new" game modes.
Red Dead Redemption: I was giving this game a look for sometime now thing is I don't really like Western media..until RDR, the ammount of details in this game is huge, and I have to say I hated GTA IV because it was way too slow, but the same kind of gameplay speed and stuff works great in this game, campaign so far is intriguing and has lots of things to do from challenges to bounty missions, and the onlne component is great to pit you against other players or start a free roam session and find a posse great game really
Army of Two the 40th day: I enjoyed the first part of this series, but AoT the 40th day is a way more polished game thant the past one from creating custom masks, gun customization, a way better online component (extraction works great) the game seemed to improve in most of the ways I expected the first part to be, guns pack more power in this one, graphs seem better and there are tons of game mechanics that you can use anytime.