Hi! a new blog entry for this long forgotten blog, well it's just a few more days until the release of the next generation of console (for microsoft and sony that is) and while I will be making the jump myself, it's going to be a bit weird, because I have so many games to play in my backlog (which continues to grow), for starters I got a couple intergenerational games in NBA 2k14 and Assassin's Creed IV, NBA 2k14 is what you would expect from the basketball franchise, and Assassin's Creed IV was a nice surprise because is the pirate games we always wanted, and also a solid Assassin's Creed game.
Other games that I have played recently worth noting are, obviously GTA V (which at the moment I'm not playing due to the game deciding to erase my game progress after an update), Batman Arkham Origins which I really liked but was a step behind City to be honest and a really surprise in the form of Rayman Legends which is a brilliant game full of fun and great moments.