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A Gaming Blog, Gaming in Fall 2008

A Gaming Blog, gaming this Fall.

whoa! long time no see my friends but here I am once again returning to my blog as I have much to say and many things to Blog about, Fall is here and all those games that where worth getting are now out, but first of all let me tell you why I was away from my blog and the forums...job hahaha, I needed money for birthdays, my anniversary and some games, and well let's get going with the blog

what am I playing?

ok, its been a long since I write the last time, so this months list will be about the more important games I've played lately, ok I played the force unleashed and rainbow six vegas 2 o september, on october and the first part of november I've been playing FIFA 09, Fable II, FarCry 2, and Gears of war 2 but the blog will be about these games so.... lets get into the main theme

Fall Games

Ok, a small overview now that I played this games and all (just prince of persia and fallout 3 in the "to be played list") ok so here is my opinion of the games I've played recently hope it helps someone get decided

Star Wars the force unleashed: ok, I wasn't hyped at all for this game, and I got it to wait for all the games that were coming in october, but I really enjoyed this game it was amazing, I like star wars a lot and I got the chance to know about the gap between trilogys, the strong point for this game is the story, it is well done and represented and starkiller is a memorable character, gameplay wise is an ok game, it has minor glitches and flaws but it offers great moments, and some spectcular moves. I achieved the 1000 points, so I had the complete experienced, and I will really finish it one more time...oh a con for the game is the lenght is too short

score: 8/10

FIFA 09: normally I wouldnt write about sports games, but FIFA deserves to be here, because its a great video game wich lets you be creative, in your tactics, and offers a robust online component with 10 on 10 games, and all, great modes, and great realism int the game FIFA is one of the best sports games ever

score: 9/10

Fable II: I know some people may differ but Fable is a great game, it has some really nice moments but the thing is I played Oblivion 2 years ago, and is a far more complete adventure than Fable, but feoble has great things such as the dog, the propertys and the live and breathing world, I have yet to finish it but on an early score I'd give it a 8.5/10

FarCry 2: ok, here is the game that has all my heart, I know some people doesnt like it or feels it is too slow and all, but to me is like the calm before the storm, it is rearding to have a battle plan working, I am 14 hours into the game and im like 30% in the campaign, the multiplayer is ok, not the greatest but a good pick and play experience, and for the map editor is great and all I havent finished it but my early score is 9.5/10

Gears of War 2: the game most people was waiting, Gears of war deliver bigger better and more badass....but I totally hate the matchmaking, the campaign is great offers a big experience, and finally you feel like your are in the war, the graphics looks great, and horde mode is pretty fun, mp is...I dont know, I just played a match but the matchmaking is ugly really, score 9/10

five things that make me love farcry 2

1. snipe someone from far far far away

2. to burn an enemy camp and surround every enemy

3. the explosions, boom! and everything flies and all

4. the exploration, you know run through the jungle jump to a river and follow the river to a desert
