A Gaming Blog
hey readers been a whiles isnce I last blogged something worth of your time and you will keep waiting right? gaming lately has been somewhat interesting, why? well I finished Borderlands and really enjoyed it, maybe I'l replay it with a new character or I might consider getting the DLC, I was also done with Splinter Cell Conviction and it covered my expectations but I wish it had exceeded them, the single player is a bit short both pretty interesting and intense, I'd rank it maybe as my 3rd favorite Splinter Cell, I was a bit short on money last month, I got a new bed and some forniture for my new apartment....I confess Im renting it.
So I went to my local gaming store and got myself two games...Bioshock 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 which I have played enough to give a good overview.
Bioshock 2; mixed feelings here, the game is awesome, it has the visually stunning water efects and heavy improvement on combat gameplay but it lacks a bit of personality specially in the antagonists, and has a lot of stuff that doesn't make any sense, the levels are mixed and original, the plasmid and tonic selection is interesting enough to made me try every plasmid, story in the game is a bit weaker than the one of the first. Then comes the multiplayer....it is mindless fun, it lacks depth but has simplicity in a good way, a couple tonics, plasmids and you are ready to go, there are some original plasmids and tonics in multiplayer, and also the weapons are way more similar to the first bioshock's campaign, the game is a solid experiene bu don't expect to have the same level of amusement almost 2 years later
I love the fruit basket on the back of the sister
Left 4 Dead 2; I have to be honest I was not a fan of the first Left 4 Dead to my eyes it lacked a lot of content 4 campaigns and nothing else to do, second part has a bit mor content and with a better distribution, there are different kind of excitement moments in every campaign, and all play and seem pretty different, the new survivors are meh I couldn't care less about them, the new weapons seem ok, melee works ok, and the new infected are great, and mix really well with the rest of the special infected, versus is almost the same as the last game, scavenge mode is good to have fun from time to time, a better game than the first one, but still has room for improvement.
right now I am eager to get Red Dead Redemption or Battlefield Bad Company 2, bot seem really good, and that's it abut gaming next part of the blog is some personal stuff if you want to read it go ahead, if you dont care then the gaming blog ends right....here.
Life is a witch
well this part is a bit more to let out everything going on my mind right now, I've had a week full of sad and negative emotion, I write this entry on gamespot because is the only blog I write nad I'm too lazy to put my toughts anywhere else.
what makes me write this sort of things? well I'm depressed not to the pont where I will put a gun against my head, but to the point where I wander is things could be any worse at least family wise, My grandfather is dying there is anything I or anyone else can do, he is connected to life support machines and his condition is going from bad to worse, I spend a lot of my youth with him, he was really great, he played and toyed wth us, and tought us many things, sad part is I can't be with him right now to tell him good bye. What on earth could be happening that keeps me from being there? you might wander.
a few months I told you about my dad's surgery right which came succesful...or at least as succesful as it could be, my father had cancer, in a terminal phase, each day his condition is worsening and I knew this but never really realize how bad it was, until now, I am taking total care of him, cleaning his wounds, feeding him and all that kind of stuff it really saddens me and breaks my heart to notice that he won't last a lot more, to my eyes, maybe in two months or least he won' be with me and my family aymore, but I guess is better that way, he won't suffer as much as he is now.