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A Gaming Blog, gaming nov 10th 2011

The compuslive buyer and the gamer part took the best of me this month, and due to extreme circumstances I had plenty of time to game and bought a bunch of games and recovered others so my gaming log as of today looks like this:

Battlefield 3: have just tried a couple campaign and co op missions, I have played some MP and so far good but I'll save my judgement till I have played all components and dedicate them some time.

Batman Arkham City: Impressive, if Deus Ex hadn't come out this year this would be my favorite game so far, the combat, story and atmosphere is pretty neat

Borderlands: well I had this for a long time but I got a GotY edition for me and my gf to play LAN

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: I'm not even remotely close to a fan of the series, a friend of mine got it for me so I play with him(as that's all he plays), well so far it feels similar to Modern Warfare 2, which was the one I liked the most of all the CoDs

Crysis: I got this on games on demand, I still have to play it but I guess since it is single player only it can wait.

Dead Island: I got this dirty cheap, at first I found it a bit boring, but the more quests I do the more interested I'm in this one, kind of reminds me of the son of borderlands and Left 4 Dead.

Dead Space 2: I gave the first dead space some time this year and it grew on me now Dead Space 2, is keeping me tense and waiting for the next necromorph to jump and attack me!

Dragon Age II: I got this a month ago and hadn't had the time to play it like I wish (you know dedicate myself to ferelden and it's people)

Halo Reach: thanks to the Game Trailers Halo retrospective, I feel like playing this, and oh man now I remember why I love it so much!

Halo Wars: after 1 year a friend borrowed it for me I just got it back and well I tried a couple of the co-op and MP components and I find it curious that this game has a dedicated fan base.

L.A. Noire: the murder cases are fun to play and I play this game as Episodic as it is, because I play a case at a time and can forget about the game for a couple days, I like how fresh this game feels

Portal 2: my gf got this for me, and the humor is brilliant and the puzzles are enagging even more when you have to think with...4 portals OMFG!!!

Sonic & Sega All Stars racing, this game is a pleasant surprise as it is different from all the other xbox games and it is actually fun to play online

Star Wars the force Unleashed II: as a fan of star wars I waited far too long to play this and although I enjoyed part 1 I was reluctant on this one, let's see if it's a worthy sequel or just a George Lucas prequel.

Super Street Fighter IV: I just got this back also and well I remember me being better at this game hehehe I'm not as dominant as I used to be.

wow plenty of games right? tomorrow I'm getting Skyrim and next week Assassin's Creed and maybe Saints Row the third.....too many games I know, I also want to get Enslaved from games on demand, I've been wanting to play this since launch but it{s impossible to find it in Mexico.

I'm glad I finished Deus Ex Human Revolution and Rage before all this