doubalfa / Member

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hey what's up readers, I've been a little busy lately with some personal projects (you know, even I have to eat from time to time) I havent send my 360 for repair, but I will sometime this week, I am doing this entry right on the second day of E3 and I am eager to write about it, but I guess I will wait until it ends to give a greater point of view of the things that concern me in this expo.

A few days before I was playing 2 awesome games, on my xbox 360 (R.I.P.) one of them being Oblivion Game of the Year Edition, (I made this move sold my Oblivion copy to a friend in $15 and bought the GOTY edition on $25 so was a win-win, I didnt have much time with this game but the little I saw was...Oblivion keeps being great! and I am happy to continue the misaventures of my character!

On the other hand I bought the other Bethesda game, Fallout 3, Im still middleway through the game and so far Im loving each part of it, a desolated game, that makes a depressive world even worse (hehe just kidding) with plenty of places to visit and super mutants to slaughter, I've barely explored the capital wasteland, but I've grown too powerful based on exploration, the game seems way shorter than Oblivion but it never grows old (neither does oblivion) so far a solid 9 for me

Battlefield Bad Company I had more time with this game, I am in the last level of the campaign and played nearly 30 multiplayer matches, story wise is a so so game, multiplayer wise I would never stop recomending it, the game makes you feel powerful but forces you to play clever it only has 2 game modes, but they are enough in any case, graphics are great so are the controls, hope to get my 360 before july to finish it and start playing multiplayer!

Oh by the way 600 gamerpoints dissapeared from my gamer tag.....from Fallout and Bad Company...bad luck sniff!!