doubalfa / Member

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A Gaming Blog, Getting my money's worth

Ok, so I've just finished Prince of Persia, it took me like 10 to 11 hours to complete, and I felt cheated you know I paid for the game full price and all, and I think it was funny and it has high production value, but you know I didnt invert $80 bucks to get a 10 hour game, and I dont feel like playing through it again, as someone pointed in my last blog, I am just starting to consider not to pay full price for single player game, this same happened to me with the force unleashed it was pretty fun and I enjoyed the presentation and story from the very beginning, but I finished the game in under 6 hours, so I replayed it on harder difficulties wich added a little more replay value. but again the game wasnt worth $60 many games are victims of this evil.

I never commented before about this but well this was the drop the glass spilled, Army of two was a so so game, but the single player was like 6 missions, each one around an hour, so it just wasnt fair, even more bacause I was unable to play on xbox live, due to unbelieveable lag problems, (hated that about army of two), another side of the coin are games like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4, wich had short campaigns (around 8 hours each on normal difficulty) but had a great multiplayer. I dont like also games that last forever like, Lost Odyssey because I dont have the time to play them, yeah I know you can say I dont lke anything but there are games that have the exact amount of time or the game mechanics to feel fresh.

a campaign I enjoy and I think it has the exact amount of lenght is Gears of War 2, also Half-Life 2, Bioshock and Rainbow Six Vegas, they lasted like 15 hours maybe, but I enjoyed every bit of them and the gameplay never got old or boring, this just made me want to play once again the campaign

Some lenghty campaigns I enjoyed are those that lasted more than 25 hours and always kept me doing something, like KoTOR, Mass Effect, Oblivion, and Zelda Ocarina of Time this games had a story or character development that I wanted to become even more and experience all the game had to offer, so this is the end of my rant hope I kept interesting this blog.

P.S.I feel I am ranting to much lately