Hey gamers, what's up? anything new? nothing new? have you missed me? yeah I guess not much, well I've been doing plenty of gaming lately, either way I'm not talking about it at least today, today I'm going to discuss and give my opinion on IGN's top 25 xbox 360 games so let's get to it.
IGN's list:
25. Super Street Fighter IV. It's the best fighting game out there and they really improved on the online aspects of the game so I think it deserves to be here.
24. Left 4 Dead 2. A great online co-op experience that isa ll there is for Left 4 Dead making it as fun and unique as it gets.
23. Splinter Cell Conviction. The single player for this game is amazing really impressive to see Sam Fisher as angry and tough
22. Batman Arkham Asylum. It captures the essence of the carácter and the comic books it is based on.
21. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I think it should be ranked higher just for the nline experience it is.
20. Gears of War. In it's time it was groundbreaking in the graphics department, it still is impressive and unique in ti's own way.
19. FIFA 10. The best edition to date, still I'm not a big fan of the series….but my brother is.
18. Dead Space. Gory, and scary, one of the great games of 2008 it is a shame I never really enjoyed the Dead space experience
17. Halo Wars. The RTS gameplay was well adapted to the Xbox controller and it was interesting the downside, the small max units poblation.
16. Assassin's Creed II. The biggest and most complete adventure to experience this Gen assassinations, scheming and development isa ll you'll find in this awesome game
15. Forza Motorsport 3. The ultímate experience for car lovers, I'm not a car lover, but I am a real fan of Forza Motorsport 3 the game is huge in every aspect.
14. Alan Wake. I have yet to try it all gameplay videos and fórum commentarys seem to be that of a worthy product
13. Halo 3 ODST. I like ODST don't get me wrong but it has nothing to do against games like Modern Warfare 2 or Forza 3, as it is a really small package
12. Rock Band 2. I haven't experienced thsi one, bbut I've played the Beatles Rockband which game me an insight of the social experience Rock Band is, lesson : the mroe friends, the more fun.
11. Borderlands. The perfect mix between a FPS and an RPG with the combat and looting of both genres is unique graphics and co-op component.
10. The Elders Scroll IV Oblivion. A big world full of dantasy and stuff to do you can drift away from the main story line and have hours oupon hours of stuff to do, exploring and fighting all around cyrodill is a rewarding experience.
9. Grand Theft Auto IV. The most polished modern Sandbox game out there not my favorite sandbox game but I recon the quality in this game as it is full of details ,and the euphoria motor makes the characters reactions awesome.
8. Bioshock. The travel to rapture was a great experience, the setting the characters the art direction, the horror all these made Bioshock a one of a kind game, powers and guns never seemed so awesome.
7. Mass Effect. The most epic, huge and polished game out there, great in all fronts, and it was great to shape the galaxy with your desitions
6. The Orange box. Each of his 5 parts are great, fuse them together and you get a game for everyone who is a bit into shooters.
5. Halo 3. Pure awesomeness online, the features in this game made it hard top ut it away
4. Red Dead Redemption. This game is something you have to experience, the realism the depth, and all the details in the game world made this one of the best games in 2010 and John Marston is a hell of a character, and the ending…oh the ending
3. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Call of Duty 4 made the big step and became a standard for modern day shooters, the unlocks and gameplay are top notch great all around experience.
2. Fallout 3. If a game had a personality Fallout is like a goofy commander, pure awesome all around the capital wasteland you can find things to do or experience, each character a chance to laugh or get into the urge fo survival in the wasteland
1. Mass Effect 2. Does it get any better tan Mass Effect? Yes mass effect 2 polished the game and isway too ambitious character development, audio, presentation, gameplay all of this made it memorable, and as awesome as it gets
So what do you think of IGN's top 25? agree? disagree? I'll give my own next blog