Ever played a game with a "2" on it's title? what about a "3" or "7"? if so as you may know you are playing.....a sequel!!!, that's right the second part to an unfinished story or in some cases, a following part that is put there by the force (damn you midiclorians), it all starts from a new IP, a game that made lots of profits to the developers, or left people wanting more, or even an improvement.
Are you serious?? Final Fantasy 10...part 2...
So this Fall and q1 of 2010 is plagues with sequels lots of followups to games mostly form 2007, check at the least and disagree: Bioshock 2, Modern Warfare 2, Halo ODST, Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Mass Effect 2, Crackdown 2, Forza Motorsport 3, Super Mario Galaxy 2, etc. (too many sequels right?)
Sequels sometimes mean a new experience on a same franchise (Prince of Persia comes to my mind, it was still platforming but felt too different to the sands of time trilogy) some others remain almost the same (Gears of War) some others just offer some updates and a tweak or two (Sports games mostly, guitar hero), most people get sequels of games they iked (obvious) I for example am eager to get Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2. As usual I see some pros and cons on this sequel stuff.
the biggest change in gameplay, pretty impressive right?....right?
The good things: You get to play more of a game o franchise you liked, most games which its develop involves a sequel, are often continued in the most fancy way and with minor change on the character (remeber every good story has 3 parts, development, difficulties and end) some franchises reinvent the way they are played and thsi way it makes gamers come back for more if they are tired of the same stuff, character development in a series is often better.
Trivia: How many games with the title Street Fighter has been released, a tip:4 is not the answer
The bad things: Some franchises are made the same over and over again, and because they have a loyal fan base they dont change a bit of the game they are played (Halo, Call of Duty) others dont have a single change in the gameplay (Gears of War,Rainbow Six Vegas) some others release games and spin offs with almost the same content once or twice per year (FIFA, Guitar Hero) and finally the infamous cliff hangers, some people are intrigues by the ending of a game and they know they will continue playing some time in a couple years.
this has to be a joke....
and well of course there are also Spin offs which are....I dont know what they are some contain drastic changes some take on a stellar role a secondary character and tell the untold stories. You know what I didnt like this entry as much it was way to meh....