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A Gaming Blog, Multiplayer layers pt.2

Part 2 guys!

Genre: Fighting

Best Online competitive Experience: Super Street Fighter IV: the netcode does makes wonders for this game as the input lag is barely noticeable if at all, all characters are balanced and play different enough to make you change playstyle, torunament mode, team battle and replays only add to the fun, the best fighter out there and one of the best online games overall (at least on consoles)

Best Onlive Co-op Experience: Mortal Kombat, this is kind of difficult to give since most fighters are 1v1 but in MK you can have 2v2 fights were one of the characters is controlled by a friend and you can tag in/out at any given moment to create nsane combinations

Best feature/idea: Mortal Kombat King of the Hill mode, did you ever went to an arcade? were there were players who beated everyone else and just kept playing while the rest of the people tried to beat them, King of the Hill is a virtual arcade where the winner stands and the rest of the people watch the fights.

Good idea poor execution: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, a great game for party gameplay and competitive to some degree but the lag and the inexistent match customization make it barely worthy for online play.

just plain wrong: Garou Mark of the Wolves the lag in a game that needs so much presition does not help this games appeal.

Genre: Racing

Best online Competitive experience: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, the sheer ammount of fun and strategy packed in Hot pursuit is amazing, cops have to stop racers, and racers have to win, with "weapons" impressive crashes and fast cars all this game does is allow you to have fun!

Best online Co op experience: nothing comes to my mind online, if only MArio Kart Double Dash had online gameplay it would win this

Best Feature/idea: Forza Motorsport 3 sharing community, desgins, tunned cars, cars, vynils, anything you can create on the game you can create, rate and enjoy, more games should be allowed to do this.

Good idea, poor execution: Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts a small community and lots of new players made this quite unfair since the people that played the most had the best parts and vehicles, they should have separated new players to veterans here which kind of broke the game for newcomers

Just plain wrong: Rage, the driving in the game is great for FPS, but when you base your MP on racing, you need to tune the driving and the powers so it takes more skill than luck/equipment.

Genre: Sandbox

Best Online Competitive multiplayer: Red Dead Redemption; the landscape is huge and in Red dead there are tons of things to do online, the gameplay is smooth and works fine in this mode, but nothing beats maulin the entire enmy team with cannons.

Best Online Coop experience: Saints Row 2; the full campaign is playable, both players can have their own content like cars, clothes and weapons, saints row 2 is fun but is far better when playing it with a friend

Good idea poor execution: Crackdown 2; super powered agents running around and destroying each other!? sounds nice right, well no actually no the deathmatch on crackdown didn't work just for the fact that they took the most fun things from the Multiplayer

Just plain wrong: Dead Rising 2, two players can play this game one plays as Chuck and the second player plays as Chuck.....nuff said!

well I guess this is it, I migh miss some genres but I haven't played much online of those next Blog GotYs 2010! a bit late but unbiased!