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A Gaming Blog, my 30 favorite games on the xbox 360

30. Red Faction Guerrilla (THQ)

29. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (Activision)

28. Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft)

27. The Beatles Rock Band (MTV Games)

26. Virtua Fighter 5 (Sega)

25. Star Wars the Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)

24.Left 4 Dead(Valve)

23. Forza Motorsport 3 (Microsoft Game Studios)

22. Borderlands (2k)

21. Mirror's Edge (EA)

20. Halo 3 (Microsoft Game Studios)

19. Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft)

18. Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)

17. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (Activision)

16. Fable II (Microsoft Game Studios)

15. Street Fighter IV (Capcom)

14. Saints Row 2 (THQ)

13. Batman Arkham Asylum (Eidos)

12. The Elder's Scroll IV Oblivion (Bethesda)

11. Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft)

10. Dragon Age Origins (EA)

9. Mass Effect (Microsoft Game Studios)

8. Battlefield Bad Company (EA)

7. FarCry 2 (Ubisoft)

6. The Orange Box (Valve)

5. Bioshock (2k)

4. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Ubisoft)

3. Assassin's Creed 2 (Ubisoft)

2. Fallout 3 (Bethesda)

1. Mass Effect 2 (EA)