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A Gaming Blog, Realism in Games

Recently a friend of mine gave me a Forza 2 copy as a gift, and I as always came back home and startd playing it, the game is good but its way harder than the racing games I use to play (Need for Speed, Project Gotham Racing) which are fancier and more spectacular, but thats not the point, the game tries and does its best to emulate real driving which is fine, and I thought "man realism does work in this game" and that made me think of realism and videogames.

Forza 2 in action

There is certain ammount of realism I like in games, for example I played a few terrorist hunt matches with Gamespot buddy Palantas, and I do enjoy that kind of realism, the bullet damage is something that makes or breaks a game for me, in this case I prefer realism, because I prefer precision over sustained fire, the player movements is another factor, games like Far Cry 2, Call of Duty where the characters feel like athletic humans and not super men, they cant jump too high but they are not wearig cement shoes, other stuff I like is the way weapons handle, Iron sights and the aim button is a feature I love in most games that have it, well I also enjoy games without this features like Halo because I know I am a super human, other stuff I love is, bullet penetration on thin objects, also I love realism in sports games, they make me feel like a pro.Also I do prefer realistic Graphics in most games but I dont cry if a game doesnt have them.

screenshot from FIFA 09

But here is the Dark side of realism, some games are just plain boring as they try to emulate real life in some aspects, for example Grand Theft Auto IV, I felt the game too slow, and most aspects of the game too shallow, for example, you buddies get angry at you if you dont go with them to eat or bowling, seriously I play games when I dont want to hang out with my friends why on earth would they made me hang with virtual friends...also realistic traffic is not fun either, virtual money is a 50% - 50% in some games you are dying because you cant get anything (Far Cry 2) or in other games you are so rich everything is too easy (Fable II) some games have it just right (Saints Row) you are not rich but you can save to get the best things in the game. Well thats it for todays A Gaming Blog see yo later!

niko from GTA IV