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A Gaming Blog, Sandman's GotY Awards 2011

the moment you were all expecting, this year overall was one of the most solid ones, plenty of titles in different genres made it one hell of a ride for any gamer, with sequels, new IP's editions to classics and many ways to play videogames, I am satisfied by this year and well time to award the best!

Best story 2011
Deus Ex Human Revolution: the story scalated to an assault on Sariff industries to a threat for
all of humankind.

Runner-ups: Assassin's Creed Revelations, Batman Arkham City, The Legend of Zelda Skyward

Best character 2011
Adam Jensen (Deus Ex Human Revolution): He never asked for this, but the choices and all plot
twists never changed the essence of the character and Adam proves to be whatever you want
him to be

Runner-ups: Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed Revelations), Whitley (Portal 2), Cole Phelps (L.A.
Noire), Isaac Clarke (Dead Space 2)

Best campaign 2011
The Elders Scroll V Skyrim: Epic Open and you can do whatever you want, there is an endless
supply of side missions and main quest varied enough to always keep you trying different

Runner-ups: Assassin's Creed Revelations, Batman Arkham City, Portal 2, Deus Ex Human

Best Graphics 2011
Rage; looks and runs pretty some peole have troubles with how the texture looks from up
close, but the way I played Rage I never stood watching at the same thing for long.

Runner-ups: Battlefield 3, Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed Revelations, The Elders Scroll
V Skyrim.

Best Art Direction 2011
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword; SS plays and looks nice, the art direction for this game is
superb and everything has personality.

Runner-ups: Rayman Origins, The Elders Scroll V Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Portal 2.

Best Sound 2011
The Elders Scroll V Skyrim: the game is based on the premise of shouts, and those are
impressive, the music, voice acting, creatures and sound are one hell of a show.

Runner-ups: Battlefield 3, Batman Arkham City, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Portal 2,
L.A. Noire.

Best Weapon 2011
Hookblade (Assassin's Creed Revelations) the hidden blade was one hell of a weapon, the
doublé hidden blade is spectacular, but the hook blade, is a weapon, a tool, and a show off

Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) Typhoon (Deus Ex Human Revolution)
Retro Lancer (Gears of War 3) Portal Gun (Portal 2) Wingstick (Rage)

Best Multiplayer 2011

Portal 2; the co-op campaing expands on the challenge as trying to think with 4 portals and 2
characters is amazing

Runner-ups: Battlefield 3, Halo Reach Anniversary playlist, Mortal Kombat, Gears of War 3, Call
of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Best Sequel 2011
Batman Arkham City: many games on this lists are sequels, but none is more direct than
Batman Arkham city the game expande don a solid base and increase the playground, the side
missions are as well made as the original ones

Runner-ups: Portal 2, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Gears of War 3

Best Action Adventure Game 2011
Batman Arkham City; Rocksteady did almost everything perfect, the gameplay, presentation
and feeling is top notch, the overall picture of Arkham City makes it a game to keep playing
long after beating it.

Runner-ups: The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Gears of War
3, Metal Gears Solid HD collection

Best FPS 2011
Portal 2; the humor, art direction and charming characters make portal memorable, the
gameplay and mind bending puzles make it a challenge, for whatever reason Portal 2, sucks
you in and it doesn't let you scape from apertura science.

Runner-ups: Battlefield 3, Rage, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, Call of Duty Modern
Warfare 3

Best RPG 2011
The Elders Scroll V Skyrim; the sole size of Skyrim and the options given to the player make
it truth worthy of the "role playing" name, make it whatever you want it to be there is
something to enjoy in skyrim

Runner-ups: Deus Ex Human Revolution, Dragon Age 2, Dark Souls.

Best Fighting Game 2011
Mortal Kombat; the series returned to 2-D the character design was improved both in use
and look, the original cast is back, the fatalities are brutal again, and to top it all the gameplay
is tweaked so it is as simple or complex as you want it to be.

Runner-Ups: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Best Open World Game 2011
L.A. Noire; once again rockstar published another sandbox crown and although the gameplay
is more simple tan past games, the atmosphere and social thone of L.A. Noire make it a
wonderful game

Runner Ups: no other game in this genre this year, but Saints Row the third might prove ti

I never expected this game to be this good 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution, the CGI trailer looked amazing, and I never played any of the other
games on the series, so I picked this game without knowing what to expect, and man was I
satisfied with the final product

Best Remake/HD edition 2011:
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D; sorry I'm biased nothing beats my favorite game of all

Runner-ups: Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, Metal Gear HD collection, Starfox 64 3D

Best Wii game 2011:
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess; amazing experience and overall game, the mid point
between the epicness of Ocarina of time and the charm of Windwaker.

Runner-ups: Kirby Return to Dreamland, Rayman Origins

Sandman's GotY 2011
The Elders Scroll V Skyim; Deus Ex HR came close (really close) but Skyrim, is a experience,
I've played the game around 30 hours and there is no way I've seen 1/5th of the world and
missions, the game sounds amazing, looks beautyful and plays awesome

Deus Ex Human Revolution: the journey to uncover the attacks on Sariff industries takes a
wild ride full of memorable characters real story changing desitions and amazing flexiblity in

Batman Arkham City: Batman is an amazing character bute ven better his enemies are what
carries the stories forward, the gameplay should be a standard for games of the genrre and all
other things are almost as good!

Portal 2: Clever, fun and challenging want more? Portal has charm, charm like few games can,
it's the smart and funny guy everyone likes.

Assassin's Creed Revelations: The end of Ezios adventures start slow, but pick up and brings an
epic conclusion, and the most touching momento of the years is when he speaks to Desmond.

The Legend of Zelda Skyward sword; is an amazing game no need to deny it, but it's the first
Zelda game that doesn't take my personal GotY and I wonder if my taste has changed or if
Links new adventure pales to the ones before