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A gaming blog, sandman's top 100 of all time (pt.1 100-76)

Readers and she-readers, here it is in work for the blog number 100 I started a list of the top 100 games I've played, of course there will be some serious omissions becauseI havent had a gaming PC (except for a couple games)and I've never owned a PlayStation console, anyway out of the ones I do have played here it goes.

100. Sonic the hedgegog 2 (Sega, Master system)

99. FIFA 11 (EA, xbox 360/wii/PS3/PC)

98. Dead Space (EA, xbox 360/PC/PS3)

97. Castlevania Curse of Darkness (Konami, xbox)

96. The Godfather the game (EA, xbox/xbox360/PS2/PC/PS3/Wii)

95. Kingdom Under Fire (Phantagram, xbox)

94. Unreal Tournament (Epic, PC)

93. Resident Evil (Capcom, Gamecube)

92. Halo Combat Evolved (Microsoft game Studios)

91. F-Zero GX/AX (Nintendo, Gamecube/Arcade)

90. Killer Instinct Gold (Rare, Nintendo 64)

89. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV Turtles in Time (Konami, SNES/Arcade)

88. Super Punch Out!! (Nintendo, SNES)

87. Virtua Fighter 5 Online (Sega, Xbox 360)

86. The Orange Box (Valve, Xbox 360/PC/PS3)

85. Halo 3 ODST (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox 360)

84. Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft, Xbox 360/PC/PS3)

83. Mortal Kombat Deception (Midway, Xbox/Gamecube/PS2)

82. Far Cry Instincts Evolution (Ubisoft, Xbox)

81. Halo 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox/PC)

80. Project Gotham Racing 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox)

79. Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo, NES)

78.Gears of War 2 (Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox 360)

77. Battlefield 1943 (EA, Xbox Live Arcade/Play Station Network)

76. Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft, Xbox 360/PC/PSP/PS3/Mobile)